Tags: hobbit-project/platform
Added USE_UI_AUTH flag and made the usage of Keycloak optional (fixes… … Add an option to use HOBBIT without access control #555). Gitlab-based image manager can be disabled. Added the usage of maximum hardware constraints for benchmarked systems. Implemented the feature that benchmark and system can report their own errors. Updated build process (Build HOBBIT components in containers #556).
Added new feature to spawn a new RabbitMQ instance for each experimen… …t. Needs HOBBIT_RABBIT_IMAGE to be passed to the platform controller. If not using that, it's now required to pass HOBBIT_RABBIT_EXPERIMENTS_HOST. This change does not affect benchmarks and systems used with HOBBIT. Fixed critical issues with the latest Docker version. Now Docker version 19.03.13 is supported. Fixed some UI issues.