- Dúvida Rafael Mesquita: lista encadeada vs linguagem vs array.
- Comentários sobre email Paula e Pedro sobre responder questões teóricas.
Tarefas para próxima quarta:
- Expandir a gramática
para se familiarizarem com o código. - Reescrever o reconhecedor em Racket.
- Completar as funções do gerador.
(defparameter english-1
'((Initial (1))
(Final (9))
(From 1 to 3 by NP)
(From 1 to 2 by DET)
(From 2 to 3 by N)
(From 3 to 4 by BV)
(From 4 to 5 by ADV)
(From 4 to 5 by |#|)
(From 5 to 6 by DET)
(From 5 to 7 by DET)
(From 5 to 8 by |#|)
(From 6 to 7 by ADJ)
(From 6 to 6 by MOD)
(From 7 to 9 by N)
(From 8 to 8 by MOD)
(From 8 to 9 by ADJ)
(From 9 to 4 by CNJ)
(From 9 to 1 by CNJ)))
(defun initial-nodes (network)
(nth 1 (assoc 'Initial network)))
(defun final-nodes (network)
(nth 1 (assoc 'Final network)))
(defun transitions (network)
(cddr network))
(defun trans-node (transition)
(getf transition 'From))
(defun trans-newnode (transition)
(getf transition 'to))
(defun trans-label (transition)
(getf transition 'by))
(defparameter abbreviations
'((NP kim sandy lee)
(DET a the her)
(N consumer man woman)
(BV is was)
(CNJ and or)
(ADJ happy stupid)
(MOD very)
(ADV often always sometimes)))
(defun recognize (network tape)
(catch 'stop
(dolist (initialnode (initial-nodes network))
(recognize-next initialnode tape network))
(defun recognize-next (node tape network)
(if (and (null tape) (member node (final-nodes network)))
(throw 'stop t)
(dolist (transition (transitions network))
(if (equal node (trans-node transition))
(dolist (newtape (recognize-move (trans-label transition) tape))
(recognize-next (trans-newnode transition) newtape network))))))
(defun recognize-move (label tape)
(if (or (equal label (car tape))
(member (car tape) (assoc label abbreviations)))
(list (cdr tape))
(if (equal label '|#|)
(list tape)
(defun generate-move (label tape)
(defun generate-next (node tape network)
(defun generate (network)
(dolist (initialnode (initial-nodes network))
(generate-next initialnode nil network)))
Usando autômatos também podemos operar sobre dois ou mais tapes de forma simultânea. Podemos, por exemplo, escrever um tradutor que reconhece uma sequência de símbolos de um tape e gera uma outra sequências de símbolos no outro tape.
(defparameter english-french-1
'((Initial (1))
(Final (5))
(From 1 to 2 by WH)
(From 2 to 3 by BE)
(From 3 to 4 by DET)
(From 4 to 5 by NOUN)))
(defparameter abbreviations
'((WH (where ou))
(BE (is est))
(DET (the |#|))
(NOUN (exist la_sortie) (policeman le_gendarme)
(shop la_boutique) (toilet la_toilette))))
(defun transduce-move (label tape)
(if (listp label)
(let (results)
(dolist (newinput (recognize-move (car label) (car tape)))
(dolist (newoutput (generate-move (cadr label) (cadr tape)))
(setq results (cons (list newinput newoutput) results))))
(if (equal label '|#|)
(list tape)
(if (assoc label abbreviations)
(transduce-move-list (cdr (assoc label abbreviations)) tape)))))
(defun transduce-move-list (labels tape)
(if (null labels)
(append (transduce-move (car labels) tape)
(transduce-move-list (cdr labels) tape))))
(defun transduce-next (node tape network)
(if (and (null (car tape))
(member node (final-nodes network)))
(throw 'stop (cadr tape))
(dolist (transition (transitions network))
(if (equal node (trans-node transition))
(dolist (newtape (transduce-move (trans-label transition) tape))
(transduce-next (trans-newnode transition) newtape network))))))
(defun transduce (network tape)
(catch 'stop
(dolist (initialnode (initial-nodes network))
(transduce-next initialnode (list tape nil) network))))