- Add instructions for inlining of templates and stylesheets
- Upgrade to Angular v5 building process
- Upgrade to rollup ^0.48.0 and UglifyJS 3
- Add license banner to the bundles
In Angular v5, the building process creates the es2015 bundles in esm2015 folder, and the es5 bundles in esm5 folder. If you want to upgrade to the new building process you have to:
- use new build.js (changing the PACKAGE name),
- use new rollup.config.js (updating globals and name), rollup.es.config.js and tsconfig-build.js files
- add the license-banner.txt file (and customize it)
- update in package.json:
- module and es2015 properties
- packages: compare all the devDependencies
- add tslib (TypeScript helpers) to dependencies
- remove scripts/map-sources.js file
For a full comparison, see the following commit:
If you are still using index.ts, see also the following commit to rename it:
- Add Istanbul to report coverage
- Rename index.ts to package name
- Update rollup.config and tsconfig files
- Update building process:
- TSLint
- Stop building for errors on Rollup conversion
- Use local import for ShellJS
- Add sourcemap files for testing to karma.conf & use ES2015 syntax in spec.bundle
- Update Codelyzer rules
- Update packages
- Upgrade versions & enable strict TypeScript compiler option
- Upgrade to Angular 4 configuration
- Add compodoc for generating documentation
- Create library