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boolshit - Maybe is the new True. Or False.

Are you bored of the normal, static booleans? Order now and get Maybe!

Maybe is a new boolean type that exists in a superposition of True and False, waiting for its wave function to collapse upon observation. Very similarly to the famous Schrödinger's cat 🐱📦🕵️


From PyPi:

pip3 install boolshit

From repository:

pip3 install


Any imaginable situation accepting True or False will accept Maybe without a hitch.

>>> from boolshit import Maybe
>>> while Maybe: print("Loop is still running!")
Loop is still running!
Loop is still running!
Loop is still running!
>>> Maybe == Maybe; Maybe == Maybe
>>> 1/Maybe
>>> 1/Maybe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/", line 127, in __rtruediv__
    def __rmul__(_self, other): return other*rnd() # x * M
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
>>> # and many more ...

Motivations behind this act of absurdity? Curiosity and learning.

Consider this project as a practical joke, and academic curiosity, a piece tangible eccentricity. A work of art if you will. With that out of the way, motivations;

  • Curiosity, which Maybe killed the cat.
  • Academic exercise, that Maybe was on the subject of tedium.
  • Madness, to which there Maybe was a method.


Maybe is a singleton instance of the maybe class. Maybe can be used in any context that supports the classical, boring, booleans True and False. The value of the singleton exists in a superposition of True and False. It shall randomly collapse to either one of them upon being observed either directly or indirectly. The only time Maybe will not collapse to boolean is when it is not operated on. This happens only with plain Maybe by itself (when not in interactive prompt) and with an assignment, e.g.: x = Maybe.

This means that Maybe can be assigned as is and it will be both True and False until the assigned variable is coerced to some other type. In essence this means that you can put Maybe into any imaginable context and it will behave exactly as True or False, depending on your luck.

Maybe obeys the limitations of a singleton pattern. Maybe is Maybe will always be True, while Maybe == Maybe is determined upon observation.

Technical jargon

bool can not be subclassed with reasonable effort, so maybe is a subclass of int, as is bool. Maybe achieves compatibility by defining a counterpart to every method and attribute of booleans. While strictly not bool, Maybe is a boolean in the practical sense. It acts like a duck, it quacks like a duck, and thus it is a duck.

A most beautifully formatted piece of art

Q: Why would you paste source code here? Also, what did you do to the formatting?

A: It's called art. This source is beyond being production ready. It is museum ready. Also, I'm documenting a handy list of magic methods for my own amusement.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Full source, minified."""
from random import choice
rnd = lambda: choice((True, False))
class maybe(int):
    def __bool__(_self): return rnd() # bool(M) [builtins section begin]
    def __pos__(_self): return +(rnd()) # +M
    def __neg__(_self): return -(rnd()) # -M
    def __invert__(_self): return ~(rnd()) # ~M
    def __abs__(_self): return abs(rnd()) # abs(M)
    def __repr__(_self): return str(rnd()) # repr(M)
    def __str__(_self): return str(rnd()) # str(M)
    def __int__(_self): return int(rnd()) # int(M)
    def __float__(_self): return float(rnd()) # float(M)
    def __ceil__(_self): return rnd() # math.ceil(M)
    def __floor__(_self): return rnd() # math.floor(M)
    def __trunc__(_self): return int(rnd()) # math.trunc(M)
    def __add__(_self, other): return rnd() + other # M+x
    def __radd__(_self, other): return other + rnd() # x+M
    def __mul__(_self, other): return rnd()*other # M*x
    def __rmul__(_self, other): return other*rnd() # x*M
    def __pow__(_self, other): return rnd() ** other # M**x
    def __rpow__(_self, other): return other ** rnd() # x**M
    def __rshift__(_self, other): return rnd() >> other # M>>x
    def __rrshift__(_self, other): return other >> rnd() # x>>M
    def __lshift__(_self, other): return rnd() << other # M<<x
    def __rlshift__(_self, other): return other << rnd() # x<<M
    def __mod__(_self, other): return rnd() % other # M%x
    def __rmod__(_self, other): return other % rnd() # x%M
    def __truediv__(_self, other): return rnd() / other # M/x
    def __rtruediv__(_self, other): return other / rnd() # x/M
    def __floordiv__(_self, other): return rnd() // other # M//x
    def __rfloordiv__(_self, other): return other // rnd() # x//M
    def __sub__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__sub__")(other) # M-x
    def __rsub__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__rsub__")(other) # x-M
    def __index__(_self): return int(rnd()) # oct,bin,hex(M), [1,2,3][M]
    def __round__(_self, *a): return getattr(rnd(), "__round__")(*a) # round(M)
    def __format__(_self, f): return getattr(rnd(), "__format__")(f) # .format
    def __and__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__and__")(other) # M&x
    def __rand__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__rand__")(other) # x&M
    def __or__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__or__")(other) # M|x
    def __ror__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__ror__")(other) # x|M
    def __xor__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__xor__")(other) # M^x
    def __rxor__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__rxor__")(other) # x^M
    def __lt__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__lt__")(other) # M<x
    def __le__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__le__")(other) # M<=x
    def __eq__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__eq__")(other) # M==x
    def __ne__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__ne__")(other) # M!=x
    def __ge__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__ge__")(other) # M>=x
    def __gt__(_self, other): return getattr(rnd(), "__gt__")(other) # M>x
    def __divmod__(_self, other): return divmod(rnd(), other) # divmod(M, x)
    def __rdivmod__(_self, other): return divmod(other, rnd()) # divmod(x, M)
    def from_bytes(*_, **__): return rnd() # [int() section begin]
    def conjugate(_self): return int(rnd())
    def bit_length(_self): return (rnd()).bit_length()
    def as_integer_ratio(_self): return (rnd()).as_integer_ratio()
    def to_bytes(self, *a, **kwa): return getattr(rnd(), "to_bytes")(*a, **kwa)
    def __hash__(_s): return int(rnd()) # hash(M) ----[class meta section]----
    def __getnewargs__(_self): return (None, ) # for pickling
    def __dir__(_self): return getattr(rnd(), "__dir__")() # dir(M)
    def __reduce__(_self): return getattr(rnd(), "__reduce__")() # pickling
    def __delattr__(self, name): object.__delattr__(self, name) # obj del
    def __init_subclass__(_self): return getattr(rnd(), "__init_subclass__")()
    def __setattr__(self, name, value): object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
    def __reduce_ex__(_self, p): return getattr(rnd(), "__reduce_ex__")(p)
    def __init__(s): maybe.S = s; maybe.__new__ = lambda _:maybe.S # singleton
    def __getattribute__(s, atr): # shadow attributes protected on C level
        prot = ("real", "numerator")
        return int(rnd()) if atr in prot else object.__getattribute__(s, atr)

Maybe = maybe()  # Actual Maybe boolean


Maybe is the new True. Or False.







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