In this project, server is created on Node.js
where DB is on MongoDB
& Express.js
is used as a framework for Node.js.
index.js > app.js > routes (Distributor.Chain.js) > Controllers (Includes Models)
- Middleware validates user input checks if given user phone number is used or not.
- Distributor Chain -
Create Chain
controller- Checks if provided SSC Number is already registered or not
- Creates new document where full_name is conditionally set whether the
is provided or not.
- Distributor Finance -
controller- checks if user has referrer or not
- if has referrer then again checks for if it's
single or double leveled referrer
- Earned amount is distributed as per marketing expenses layout on each different card, then new user
is pushed toamount_earned_from
in referrers db
- Admin Finance -
Controller- Checks if user is admin or not i.e. Leader appointed by company
- if it's not admin then he/she has no salary_reserve slab
- again alike distributor finance level of referrance is checked
In this snippet first _id of 1st level referrer is extracted to update AdminFinance Model i.e. _tempAdminChain and 2nd level referrer's _id is extracted from _tempFirstLevelReferrer.
// @dev get previous finance to add new amount to admin const prevAdminFinance = await AdminFinance.findOne({ _id: temp_referrer._id, }); const _tempAdminChain = await DistributorChain.findOne({ _id: temp_referrer._id, }); const _tempFirstLevelReferrer = await DistributorChain.findOne({ ssc_number: _tempAdminChain.referrer, });
- Again amounts are distributed accordingly.
- Distributor Authentication - createAuthentication
- user's phone number is extracted and default passord is assigned Default Auth Password is SSC@user2021
Process is completed here for initial phase!
###Contact For Support and Additional Information Dev - Laxman Rai email: phone: 9849092326