Disc Golf Disc Ratings & Reviews
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Welcome to Discrr, the ultimate web application for disc golf enthusiasts. Discover and explore disc golf ratings and reviews with our user-friendly platform. Dive into a vast collection of discs and make informed decisions based on user reviews. Join the thriving disc golf community, leave your own reviews, and contribute to the collective knowledge of disc golfers worldwide. Discrr is your gateway to the exciting world of disc golf discs and the vibrant disc golf community.
- Search: Easily search for a variety of PDGA-approved discs by name.
- Disc Information: Access detailed information about each disc, including flight path numbers, stability, and category.
- User Reviews: Sign in to leave reviews on discs and share your thoughts with the community.
- Review Voting: Upvote or downvote users' reviews to help highlight the most helpful and informative feedback.
- Light Mode & Dark Mode: Enjoy a personalized browsing experience with our light and dark mode options.
Discrr is built using the following technologies:
- NextJS 13.4: Our web application framework of choice for building fast and scalable user interfaces.
- MongoDB: A powerful and flexible NoSQL database used for storing disc and review data.
- Rest API: Our backend API utilizes RESTful principles for handling requests and responses.
- Next-Auth: Seamless integration with Google Sign-In for secure and convenient user authentication.
- Vercel: Our hosting platform for deploying and serving the Discrr application.
We value your input and welcome any suggestions or improvements you may have for Discrr. If you have any feedback or ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at brink@discrr.com. Your contributions will help us make Discrr even better for the disc golf community.
Thank you for using Discrr! We hope you enjoy discovering new discs and sharing your disc golf experiences with others.