BiochemicalAlgorithms v0.5.0
Diff since v0.4.0
Diff since v0.4.9
Breaking changes:
- Clean up deprecated functions (#137) (@tkemmer)
- Bump minimum supported Julia version to 1.10 LTS (#161) (@tkemmer)
- Fix compat lower bounds (#162) (@tkemmer)
- FF: remove unused data files (#171) (@tkemmer)
Merged pull requests:
- Extended benchmarking (#129) (@jeleclaire)
- Clean up deprecated functions (#137) (@tkemmer)
- Reintroduce structure optimization (#141) (@tkemmer)
- Implement reading and writing of HIN files (#145) (@tkemmer)
- FileFormats: unify and document I/O interface (#146) (@tkemmer)
- Allow strings to be passed as
s where possible (#152) (@tkemmer) - FileFormats: fix missing bond orders read from HIN files (#155) (@tkemmer)
- Bump minimum supported Julia version to 1.10 LTS (#161) (@tkemmer)
- Fix compat lower bounds (#162) (@tkemmer)
- FF: allow AMBER options to be modified (#168) (@tkemmer)
- FF: remove unused data files (#171) (@tkemmer)
- FF: include all warnings in message shown after force field setup (#172) (@tkemmer)
Closed issues: