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Hiero Swift SDK

The SDK for interacting with a Hiero based netwrok.

Maintained with ❤️ by LaunchBadge, Hashgraph, and the Hedera community



  • Swift v5.6+
  • MacOS v10.15+ (2019, Catalina)
  • iOS 13+ (2019)


// Package.swift
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

See "Adding Package Dependencies to Your App" for help on adding a swift package to an Xcode project.

Add to Code

import Hiero

// connect to the Hedera network
let client = Client.forTestnet()

// query the balance of an account
let ab = try await AccountBalanceQuery()

print("balance = \(ab.balance)")

See examples for more usage.

Development (HederaProtobufs)

HederaProtobufs is entirely generated. The protobufs repo will be migrated to Hiero in near future.

Required Tooling

protoc protoc-gen-swift (from protoc-gen-grpc-swift (from task (from

Fetch Submodule (Hedera-Protobufs)

Update \protobuf submodule to latest changes.

## Fetch the latest version of the services submodule
## Note: Append "proto=<version>" to fetch a specific version
task submodule:fetch 

## Update the submodule to the latest version
task submodule:install

Generate services

# cwd: `$REPO`
protoc --swift_opt=Visibility=Public --swift_opt=FileNaming=PathToUnderscores --swift_out=./Sources/HederaProtobufs/Services --proto_path=./Sources/HederaProtobufs/Protos/services Sources/HederaProtobufs/Protos/services/*.proto

# generate GRPC (if needed)
protoc --grpc-swift_opt=Visibility=Public,Server=false --grpc-swift_out=./Sources/HederaProtobufs/Services --proto_path=./Sources/HederaProtobufs/Protos/services Sources/HederaProtobufs/Protos/services/*.proto

Integration Tests

Before running the integration tests, an operator key, operator account id, and a network name must be set in an .env file.

# Account that will pay query and transaction fees
# Default private key to use to sign for all transactions and queries
# Network names: `"localhost"`, `"testnet"`, `"previewnet"`, `"mainnet"`
# Run tests
$  swift test 

The networks testnet, previewnet, and mainnet are the related and publicly available Hedera networks.

Local Environment Testing

You can run tests through your localhost using the hedera-local-node service. For instructions on how to set up and run local node, follow the steps in the git repository. The repo will be migrated to Hiero in near future. Once the local node is running in Docker, the appropriate .env values must be set:


Lastly, run the tests using swift test