Migrate JComments from Joomla! to WordPress.
How to use this
Download and move the file jcomments2wp.php
to your Joomla server (or wordpress server)
Fill in the following DB config values (line 3 to line 13)
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbusername = "root";
$dbpassword = "root";
$database_joomla = "myjoomla25db";
$jtable_prefix = "j25_"; //Joomla Table Prefix
If you are using different Database Host and user name, make sure to fill below also
$database_wordpress = "wordpress";
$wptable_prefix = "wp_"; //Wordpress Table Prefix
$mysqli_wp = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $database_wordpress); //Connection for Wordpress DB
Joomla DB Prefix should be changed as per your DB in this variable $jtable_prefix
Wordpress DB Prefix should be changed as per your DB in this variable $wptable_prefix
If you have utf8 characters in the Joomla comments just leave following lines as it is
// Change character set to utf8