a. Install Kinect SDK 1.8
b. Install OpenNI 2.2 SDK 32bits / 64bits ( install both 64 bits and 32bits if u are using win64)
c. Install Nite 2.2 ( install both 64 bits and 32bits if u are using win64)
Run SimpleViewer.exe for Testing. It will be located at
64bits ~ (OpenNI ) C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Samples\Bin ~ (Prime Sensor) C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\NiTE2\Samples\Bin
32bits ~(OpenNI ) C:\Program Files (x86) \OpenNI2\Samples\Bin ~ (Prime Sensor) C:\Program Files (x86) \PrimeSense\NiTE2\Samples\Bin
Extract all dll.zip in the project folder. (./kinect-openni2 and ./kinect-openni2/lib/OpenNI2/Drivers)
If you want to change the native library path, add the following and load the library OpenNI2.dll (directory to wherever it is on your machine or user loadLibrary() if you want a relative path)
static {
try {
System.load("C:\\Program Files\\OpenNI2\\Redist\\OpenNI2.dll");
catch (Exception e)
Installation Guide