will have an additionaldiv
without classes if the form_type isbasic
Here is an example:
from flask_bs4 import Bootstrap
This makes some new templates available, containing blank pages that include all bootstrap resources, and have predefined blocks where you can put your content.
As of version 3, Flask-Bootstrap has a proper documentation, which you can check for more details.
Welcome to the Flask-BS4 sample app. This will give you an overview of how the Flask-BS4 package can render different types of input fields.
First you should create a virtual environment. I prefer using:
$ python3 -m venv venv
To run this application yourself, please install its requirements first:
$ pip install -r sample_app/requirements.txt
Then, you can actually run the application. Optionally you can set
$ export FLASK_APP=sample_app
$ flask run
Afterwards, point your browser to localhost:5000, then check out the source.
This is a fork of Flask-Bootsrap upgraded to Bootstrap 5.x.x.
Flask-Bootstrap packages Bootstrap into an extension that mostly consists of a blueprint named bootstrap
. It can also create links to serve Bootstrap from a CDN and works with no boilerplate code in your application.