A browser for web content generated by GPT-3.
Check out the Discord for news, updates, tips, and feature requests! https://t.co/uySHZIr3cc
See the latest demo here! https://twitter.com/flngr/status/1608814377813299200
this project is free but experimental, you will have to configure your own API credentials to access OpenAI (for GPT-3 / text-davinci-003, and dall-e 2).
Currently Replicate (stable diffusion) is disabled, as I had some latency issues with it (maybe I will put it back in the future!)
You will need NVM and Node 18.12.1
cd web4
nvm use
Don't mind too much those errors (we don't use IPFS yet):
electron@npm:1.8.8 couldn't be built successfully
wrtc@npm:0.4.7 couldn't be built successfully
The app will still load just fine.
web4 is free, but not OpenAI! You will need to configure your token in a .env.local
config file:
cp .env.sample .env.local
open .env.local
And configure your OpenAI access token key:
You have 3 different options to run the app:
This solution is recommended during development or if you experience build issues.
yarn dev
Then go to http://localhost:1420
This solution requires a working Rust environment, and is recommended if you need to develop things interacting with the OS (eg. custom windows, system toolbar, auto updater..)
yarn tauri:dev
This is not recommended for day-to-day development as it is slow, and currently there is an issue with images.
yarn tauri build
- copy the app to your Application dir
- start the app
Images don't seem to work when runing a standalone built using yarn tauri build
, it might be caused by a security setting.
Here are some examples to get you started:
a back-office application to manage users. There is a table with editable cells, a button to add a new user, and a counter of users.
a simulation of calculating PI by generating random dots inside a circle. The simulator should include a slider to adjust the speed, a reset button, and the current estimate of PI.
a simple app to compute your BMI, using form inputs for age, height and weight (in kilos)
a whack-a-mole game but with spiders, a css 3-per-3 grid, emojis, and JS code
a clone of asteroid using <canvas>, the mouse should orient the spaceship, it should fire bullets when clicking, and bullets can destroy asteroids.
website for a company selling time travel visit packages (great pyramids, Trojan wars..). The website features 3 polaroid pictures taken by tourists of those eras
Those examples don't work yet.. maybe one day in text-davinci-004 or 005?
a 120 BPM drum machine made using tone.js, with a step sequencer made using html checkboxes, to indicate when to play. Each row should be a different instrument (kick, snare, hihat), 8 buttons per row. There is a button to start/stop.
I agree!
Try clicking again on generate 🎲
Maybe you did too many requests to OpenAI?
Wait a bit then restart the application, eg. kill it from the terminal.
Today web4 can mock the following file formats when the generated code tries to access them:
->mockAny(filename, extension)
You can find the code doing the mocking in src/pages/api/mocker/[filename].ts
You can find the mocking prompts in src/engine/prompts/mocker/
Do not hesitate to propose improvements to those prompts!