Compute camara intrinsic parameters using checker board images (save in meta)
hexa = openHexa.imgProcess.hexa_process() hexa.calibrate(imgpath_checker=PATHCHECKER, corner_w=CORNER_WIDTH, corner_h=CORNER_HEIGHT, metafile=METAPATH, separator=SEPARATOR)
PATHCHECKER: Directory of checker images, METAPATH: Directory to save meta data, SEPARATOR: delimiter, ACTUAL_DIM: actual diameter of circle
Undistort images using camera intrinsic parameters (only once)
hexa = openHexa.imgInstance.hexa_img() hexa.load_img(filepath = IMGFILE, metapath=METAPATH, separator = SEPARATOR) hexa.undistort()
IMGFILE: image to undistort, METAPATH: Location of meta data, SEPARATOR: delimiter
Compute ratio of pixel to mm (save in meta)
hexa = openHexa.imgProcesshexa_process() hexa.compute_px_ratio(filepath=INPUT, metapath=METAPATH, separator=SEPARATOR, actual_dim=ACTUAL_DIM)
INPUT: image file, METAPATH: Directory to save meta data, SEPARATOR: delimiter, ACTUAL_DIM: actual diameter of circle
Estimate the actual area of plants using segmentation mask and pixel to mm
hexa.undistort().segment(config_file=CONFIG,checkpoint_file=CHECKPOINT, show = True, pallete_path=".").compute_area()
After undistortion, apply semantic segmentation. By using the segmentation mask, compute area.
Tracking the growth of plants (video)
Reconstruct plant models using camera parameters
- Image undistortion.
- 3D reconstruction
{location}-{camera_code}-{epoch time}.{format}
camera_code may (or may not) contain "-" in the file name. "-" could be replaced by changing "SEPARATOR" value.