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Heta classes

Heta classes define the hierarchical types of components within the Heta modeling language. These components form the building blocks of a model, with each class specifying the properties, validation rules, and behaviors associated with its instances.

Class List

UML diagram

The Heta class structure is visualized in the UML diagram below. This diagram illustrates the relationships and inheritance hierarchy between the classes.

Classes UML

About Heta Classes

Key concepts covered in this document include:

  • Hierarchical Class Structure: All Heta components inherit properties and behaviors from the root Component class.
  • Property Validation: Classes enforce specific rules for required properties, data types, and default values.
  • References: Some classes require references to other components, which are checked during model compilation.
  • Usage Meaning of classes in the framwork of a model, and how to use each class and how it affects the model.
  • Examples Each class is accompanied by examples to illustrate its application.

Key aspects of Heta classes:

  1. Property Validation:

    • Each class has a predefined set of properties. Declaring a property that is not defined for the class is not considered an error, but the property will be ignored during compilation.
    • Example: compartment is not a valid property of the Process class, so it will be ignored
      pr1 @Process { compartment: comp1 };
  2. Required Properties:

    • Some classes enforce specific required properties. These properties are validated after all components in the code have been loaded.
    • Example: The Const class requires the numeric property num, it must be defined somewhere for the instance to be valid.
      k1 @Const; // This does not throw an error at this stage
      k1 = 1;    // Adding the required property completes the definition to avoid errors
    • The required properties may be skipped if the compartment belongs to the abstract namespace because the this step is not applied for them.
    • Example: You can skip the required properties for the Species class if the compartment belongs to the abstract namespace.
      abstract namespace A begin
         // we do not set neither `assignments.start_` nor `assignments.ode_` here
         S1 @Species { compartment: c1 }; 
  3. References:

    • Certain properties must reference other components within the same namespace, and these references are validated after the entire model is loaded.
    • Example: A Species instance must include the compartment property, which refers to a Compartment instance:
      S @Species { compartment: c1 } .= 0; // Throws an error if c1 is not defined or c1 is not a Compartment
      c1 @Compartment .= 1; // Adding the compartment resolves the reference
  4. Class Hierarchy:

    • Component is the root class from which many other Heta classes inherit. This hierarchical structure allows shared properties and behaviors to propagate across classes.
  5. Abstract classes

    • Some classes are "abstract" and cannot be instantiated directly. They serve as base classes for other classes and provide common properties and behaviors.
    • Example: _Size is an abstract class that defines properties related to units. It is inherited by classes like TimeScale, Const, Record, etc.
  6. Syntax remarks

    • Certain properties in Heta classes, such as title and notes, support shorthand (syntax sugar) for concise and readable declarations.
    • See more in the Syntax section.


Parent: None

The Component class is the root class for other Heta components. The properties are primarily used for annotating and organizing model components.


Property Type Required Default Syntax Shorthand Description
id ID Yes id A unique identifier for the component withing the namespace.
space ID nameless ns:: The namespace where the component is defined.
title string 'Title' A human-readable, non-unique identifier for the component.
notes string '''Notes''' Arbitrary text used for annotation. Can optionally support Markdown for rich text.
tags string[] [] An array of tags for categorizing or grouping components.
aux object {} User-defined auxiliary data in key-value pairs. This can be used for storing custom annotations or metadata.
xmlAnnotation string Additional annotation in XML format, compatible with SBML's <Annotation> tag.


  • Component class is concrete, not abstract, and can be instantiated directly.
  • It does not reflect any specific modeling concept but can be used store auxiliary information and metadata for some specific user's needs.
  • id and space properties both form an unique index for the component in the model, read more in namespaces chapter.
  • Default namespace is nameless and can be omitted in most cases.


Create a simple component inside the default namespace:

'''This is a general description.'''
comp1 @Component 'Main Component' {
    tags: [example, annotation],
    aux: {
        metadata: { creator: John Doe, created: 2024-12-01 }
    xmlAnnotation: "<Annotation><info>Example XML annotation</info></Annotation>"

Create a component in a custom namespace:

namespace A begin
    comp2 @Component 'Component 2';

Create a component in predefined namespace A:

A::comp3 @Component 'Component 3';


Parent: Component

The _Size class is an abstract class that provides properties related to units. It serves as a base class for other components, such as TimeScale, Const, and Record, which require unit-related definitions.

More information about units can be found in the Units section.


Property Type Required Default Description
units UnitsExpr or UnitsComponent[] Specifies the units for the component. Can be a string describing the units or an array of UnitsComponent objects.


  • as a abstract class the _Size cannot be instantiated directly.
  • units property may have a specific requirements depending on the class, for example TimeScale requires writing the units in "time" scale like hour, minute, second, etc.
  • UnitsExpr is a string that describes the units in shortened form, for more information see Units section.


Parent: None

The UnitsComponent class defines a single component of a complex unit. It is used in the units property of components derived from _Size and in units property of #defineUnit action.


Property Type Required Default Ref Description
kind ID Yes UnitDef The reference ID to a predefined unit definition (e.g., kg, L).
multiplier numeric 1 A scaling factor applied to the unit.
exponent numeric 1 The power to which the unit is raised.


  • UnitsComponent is used to define complex units by combining multiple components.
  • The array of UnitsComponent it is equivalent to the UnitsExpr but it represent its components in a more detailed, mashine-readable form.


Define units for a Record component using UnitsComponents:

p1 @Record {
    units: [
        { kind: litre, multiplier: 1, exponent: 1 },
        { kind: mole, multiplier: 1e-6, exponent: -1 }

This is equivalent to the following UnitsExpr:

p1 @Record { units: litre/(1e-6 mole) };


Parent: _Size

The TimeScale class represents an time variable.


Property Type Required Default Description
slope number 1 A fixed multiplier applied to the base time variable.
intercept number 0 A fixed offset added to the base time variable.
output boolean If true, the transformed time variable is available for output (e.g., plots, tables).


  • TimeScale is used to define a transformation of the base time variable in a model.
  • The TimeScale transformation is expressed as: new_time = slope * t + intercept
  • The base time variable t is always available and is automatically initialized in the namespace.
  • The base time t cannot be deleted but its units can be customized.
  • In many cases, a Record component can be used to achieve the same functionality as TimeScale.


Set units for default time scale:

t {units: second};

Define a custom time scale to use alternative time units (e.g., hours):

tih @TimeScale {
    slope: 2.78e-4, // 1 second / 1 hour = 2.78e-4
    intercept: 0,
    output: true,
    units: hour

This example defines a new time scale tih that transforms the base time variable t into hours.

tih @Record { output: true, units: hour } := 2.78e-4 * t;


Parent: _Size

The Const class represents constant numerical values.


Property Type Required Default Shorthand Description
num number Yes = <number> The exact numerical value of the constant or its initial value for identification.


  • Const instances are used to define fixed numerical values that do not change during the simulation.
  • Const can be used in assignments or expressions, as well as be referenced by other components, like period property in TimeSwitcher.
  • The instances are typically used as inputs to a model, such as parameters or coefficients.
  • Const cannot be initialized with a mathematical expression, only with a number. Use Record or others for cases where the value is calculated.
  • For components with biological meaning, such as Species, Compartment, or Reaction, it is best to use the corresponding class rather than Const to ensure good modeling practices. This improves model readability, self-explanatory structure, and future maintainability, avoiding the need to change classes if the value becomes variable later. Using the appropriate class also makes the model easier for others (or yourself) to update.


Simple constant declaration:

k1 @Const {units: 1/h} = 1.4e-6;

Constants must be initialized with fixed numerical values only:

k2 @Const = 2 * k1; // This will throw an error

Wrong update of a constant value by switching:

k3 @Const = 1;
k3 [sw1]= 2;   // This statement will be ignored


Parent: _Size

The Record class represents time-varying variables that can change over the course of a simulation. These variables often can be influenced by assignments and by Process/Reaction instances.


Property Type Required Default Shorthand Description
assignments Dictionary{ID, MathExpr} {} .=, := or [<sw>]= A dictionary where each key is a switcher ID, and each value defines an expression to assign to the variable.
boundary boolean false If true, the variable is under boundary condition and will not change by Process/Reaction instances.
output boolean If true, the variable is included in simulation outputs like plots or tables.


  • The value of a Record within simulation time can change by:
    1. By initial initialization: {assignments: {start_: <expression>}}.
    2. By rules: {assignments: {ode_: <expression>}}.
    3. Through _Switcher: {assignments: {<switcher_id>: <expression>}}.
    4. Indirectly by interactions with Process
  • start_ assignment (.= shorthand ) is used to set the initial value of the variable. This value can be updated by a switcher or a process.
  • If ode_ assignment (:= shorthand) is defined the value will be updated at each time step by the given expression. So start_ and switcher associated assignments will be ignored. Influence by Process and Reaction instances not affect the value in this case.
  • At least on of start_ or ode_ assignments must be defined. If both are defined the ode_ assignment will be used.
  • The value of the variable can be changed at specific time points by using switchers. In that case the corresponding switcher reference must be defined in the assignments property. The shorthand notation [<switcher_id>]= is used for this purpose.
  • The Record instances affected by Process or Reaction only if they are defined in the actors property.
  • The boundary property equals true is used to set the variable as a boundary condition. It means that the value of the variable will not be changed by Process or Reaction instances even if it is defined in the actors property.
  • For components with clear biological meaning, such as Species, Compartment (and corresponding units) you should use the corresponding class rather than Record to ensure good modeling practices. This improves model readability, self-explanatory structure, and future maintainability, avoiding the need to change classes if the value becomes variable later.
  • If you need to use the value as input for a model, such as parameters or coefficients, it is better to use Const class.
  • There is no restrictions on the units of the Record instances.


Value initialized by initial value

p1 @Record;
p1 .= x * y; // same as p1 {assignments: {start_: x * y}};

Value initialized by rule

p2 @Record;
p2 := x * y; // same as p2 {assignments: {ode_: x * y}};

Value initialized by number as a initial value

p3 @Record .= 1; 

Value updated by switcher

p4 @Record .= 0;
p4 [sw1]= x * y; // same as p4 {assignments: {sw1: x * y}};

Wrong update rule by switcher

p5 @Record := 10;
p5 [sw1]= 2; // This statement will be ignored

Value updated by process

p6 @Record .= 0;
pr1 @Process { actors: => p6 };

Value under boundary condition, rule will not affect the value

p7 @Record { boundary: true } .= 0;
pr2 @Process { actors: => p7 };

Value under boundary condition can be updated by switcher

p8 @Record { boundary: true } .= 0;
p8 [sw1]= 2;


Parent: Record

The Process class represents fluxes that modify the values of other Record instances over time. Processes describe the dynamic interactions between components and are a key element in constructing system dynamics.


Property Type Required Default Description
actors ProcessExpr or Actor[] [] Defines the components affected by the process and their stoichiometries.
reversible boolean true Indicates whether the process is reversible.


  • Process instances define the interactions between components in a model. They act like fluxes that modify the values of other components stated in the actors property.
  • The actors property specifies which Record instances are modified by the process and how (e.g., production, consumption, or transfer).
  • By default, processes are reversible. This property can be explicitly set to false to model irreversible processes or shown in ProcessExpr by one of symbols: =>, ->, >.
  • The actors property can be expressed as a ProcessExpr or an array of Actor objects.
  • A shorthand notation ProcessExpr can be used (e.g., A -> B, 2A <-> B, etc.) is used to describe actors.
  • The reversible property do not affect the ODE simulations. It can be used for visualization or for compatibility with SBML's and SimBio's reversible attribute.
  • If you set value in the reversible property, it will be used instead of the one defined in the actors property.
  • You should use the rule based initialization for the Process rather than initial value or switcher based initialization.
  • If no actors property is defined, the process will not affect any component and will work as a Record.
  • You can set any units for the Process instances but should be consistent with the units of the affected components.
  • Process does not affect the value of the Record instances under boundary condition, or initiated by ode_ assignment (rules).
  • If the components in actors are Species instances, the process should be defined in the Reaction class which is a specialized form of Process and have specific rules for the Species instances.


Basic Process Declaration. Rate of p1 decrease is equal to 2 * p2 increase.

pr1 @Process { actors: p1 => 2 * p2 };
pr1 := k1 * p1;

The above example is equivalent to:

pr1 @Process {
    actors: [
        { target: p1, stoichiometry: -1 },
        { target: p2, stoichiometry: 2 }
    reversible: false,
    assignments: { ode_: k1 * p1 }

Using reversible process by shorthand notation

pr2 @Process { actors: A <=> B };

Neutral ProcessExpr (neither reversible nor irreversible) result in default reversible process

pr3 @Process { actors: A = B };

reversible property rewrites the shorthand notation

pr4 @Process { actors: A <=> B, reversible: false };

Process does not affect the value of the Record instances under boundary condition

p1 @Record { boundary: true } .= 0;
p2 @Record .= 0;
pr5 @Process { actors: p1 => p2 } := k1 * p1; // not an error but p1 will always be 0

Process does not affect the value of the Record instances initiated by ode_ assignment

p3 @Record := 10;
p4 @Record .= 0;
pr6 @Process { actors: p3 => p4 } := k1 * p3; // not an error but p3 will always be 10


Parent: none

Auxiliary class to to be used as modifiers in the Reaction class.

property type required default ref description
target ID yes Record Reference to record


Parent: Effector

Auxiliary class to define the effect of the Process on the Record instances and Reaction on the Species instances.

property type required default ref description
stoichiometry number 1 Stoichiometry of flux.


Parent: Record

Compartment is class describing volumes where Species instances are located. The variable means the volume size.

No additional properties.


  • Compartment are volumes where Species instances are dissolved or located.
  • Each Species instance must be assigned to a Compartment, which defines its location. However, not all Compartment instances need to be referenced by a Species. It is possible to have Compartment instances that exist in the model without being explicitly assigned to any Species.
  • Compartment must have units of volume, area, or length: liter, meter^3, meter^2, meter, etc. . The units should be consistent with the units of the Species instances located in the compartment.
  • Compartment may change its value by Process instances, _Switchers, etc. as any other Record.
  • Avoid initializing the value of the Compartment with zero 0 value because it may lead to division by zero errors when normalizing concentrations.
  • In some cases the Compartment is used just to fulfill the requirements of the Species instances and does not affect the model. You should stil set the size of this compartment by any value, i.e. 1.


Compartment with a volume of 5.3 liters

comp1 @Compartment .= 5.3 { units: L };

Update the volume of the compartment by a switcher

comp2 @Compartment .= 10;
comp2 [sw1]= 5;


Parent: Record

The Species class represents entities such as molecules, particles, or other discrete items located within a specific Compartment.

property type required default ref description
compartment ID true Compartment Reference to compartment id where the molecule is located.
isAmount boolean If true, the species is defined as an amount; otherwise, it is a concentration.


  • A Species must belong to a Compartment even if the compartment size is not affecting the model.
  • A Species can be defined in terms of its amount or concentration, depending on users needs.
  • By default, a Species represents a concentration unless isAmount is explicitly set to true.
  • If you set isAmount to true the units must be consistent with the amount units, like mole, gram, etc.
  • If you set isAmount to false or skip the declaration the units must be consistent with the concentration units, like mole/litre, gram/litre, taking into account the compartment units.
  • Species involved in reactions may be defined in any: amounts or concentrations. It is not required to be consistent. At compilation step the units will be normalized in a proper way.
  • When updating the value of the Species by a _Switcher be sure that the value is consistent with the isAmount property. If the isAmount is true the value should be an amount, otherwise it should be a concentration.
  • If you need to use the initial value as input for a model, use auxiliary Const instance.


Basic species declaration with a concentration of 10 moles per liter in compartment comp1

comp2 @Compartment {units: liter} .= 5;
S1 @Species {
    compartment: comp1,
    isAmount: false,
    units: mole/liter // consistent units
S .= 10;

This example defines species with an amount of 10 moles in compartment

comp2 @Compartment {units: liter} .= 5;
S2 @Species {
    compartment: comp2,
    isAmount: true,
    units: mole // consistent units
S2 .= 5;

Declaration of species not affected by reactions (boundary species)

S3 @Species { compartment: comp1, boundary: true} .= 10;
r1 @Reaction { actors: S3 -> P };

Species can be set as rule

S4 @Species { compartment: comp1, units: mole/liter } := x * y;

Set the initial value as a constant

S5_0 @Const {units: mole/liter} .= 5; // use it as model input
S5 @Species { compartment: comp1, units: mole/liter } .= S5_0;

Wrong units for the species set as amount

comp2 @Compartment {units: liter} .= 5;
S4 @Species {
    compartment: comp2,
    isAmount: true,
    units: mole/liter // inconsistent, must be amount units

Wrong units for the species inconsistent with the compartment units

comp2 @Compartment {units: m^2} .= 5;
S5 @Species {
    compartment: comp2,
    units: mole/liter // inconsistent, must be mole/m^2

Wrong update of the species value by switcher

S6_Dose @Const {units: gram} .= 5;
comp1 @Compartment {units: liter} .= 2;
S6 @Species { compartment: comp1, units: gram/liter } .= 10;
S6 [sw1]= S6 + S6_Dose; // wrong, the value should be a concentration

Propert update of the species value by switcher

S6_Dose @Const {units: gram} .= 5;
comp1 @Compartment {units: liter} .= 2;
S6 @Species { compartment: comp1, units: gram/liter } .= 10;
S6 [sw1]= (S6 * comp1 + S6_Dose) / comp1; // correct, the value is a concentration


Parent: Process

The Reaction class is a specialized form of Process which describes the transformation of Species instances. Reactions define the conversion of reactants into products and can include modifiers that influence the reaction rate.


Property Type Required Default Description
modifiers ID[] or Modifier[] [] A list of Species instances that influence the reaction but are not consumed or produced.


  • In a Reaction, all targets in the actors property must be Species instances.
  • The actors property defines the reactants (consumed species) and products (produced species) of the reaction.
  • Modifiers represent species that affect the reaction rate (e.g., catalysts) but are neither consumed nor produced by the reaction.
  • The modifiers property provides a compatibility with SBML standards for representing biochemical reactions.
  • Reaction rates must be always expressed in terms of amount per time unit (e.g., mole/second, gram/second, etc.) independent of the units of the Species instances: amount or concentration.


Reaction where species A is converted to B in a compartment comp1. Species C acts as a modifier, influencing the reaction rate.

r1 @Reaction {
    actors: A => B,
    modifiers: [C],
    units: mole/second
r1 := k1 * A * C * comp1;

This reversible reaction defines the interconversion between species S and P.

r2 @Reaction {
    actors: S <=> P,
    units: mol/s
r2 := (k2 * S - k3 * P) * comp1;

Actors property can be expressed as a array of Actor objects:

r3 @Reaction {
    actors: [
        { target: reactant1, stoichiometry: -1 },
        { target: product1, stoichiometry: 2 }
    reversible: true,
    modifiers: [
        { target: catalyst }
    units: mole/second


Parent: Component

The _Switcher class is an abstract class representing events or conditions that trigger specific value assignments. Switchers are used to define when and how changes occur in dynamic variables. It serves as a base class for specific types of switchers, such as TimeSwitcher, DSwitcher, CSwitcher, and StopSwitcher.


Property Type Required Default Shorthand Description
active boolean true Determines whether the switcher is enabled during the simulation.
atStart boolean If true, the switcher's condition is evaluated at the beginning of the simulation.


  • _Switcher introduces a new key in the assignments dictionary of a Record component.
  • Subclasses of _Switcher define specific conditions or events that activate the assignments.
  • The active property can be used to enable or disable the switcher during the simulation.
  • The atStart property can be used to evaluate the switcher's condition at the beginning of the simulation. If false, the switcher's condition is evaluated only at t > 0.
  • _Switchers can change value or Record, Species, Compartment, etc. instances but not Const instances.


Parent: _Switcher

TimeSwitcher describes the switching assignment at specific pre-defined times.


property type required default ref description
start Number/ID 0 - / Const time to run the first switch
period Number/ID - / Const period of repeated switching
stop Number/ID - / Const time to turn off switch


  • TimeSwitcher is used to define the time points when a specific assignment is triggered, for example, to simulate a drug dose or a light pulse, or other discrete conditions if time points are known.
  • If you time point is not known or can be calculated by some rule use DSwitcher or CSwitcher instead.
  • To run only one time switch set the start property and remain the period and stop properties undefined. You can also set the period to 0 or negative value.
  • To run the switch repeatedly set the start and period properties. The switch will be triggered at start, start + period, start + 2 * period, etc.
  • To run the switch repeatedly with a limited number of repeats set the start, period, and stop properties. The switch will be triggered at start, start + period, start + 2 * period, and the last time will be stop.
  • Number of switching can be calculated as follows:
    • if (stop < start) return 0;
    • if (period <= 0 OR 0 <= (stop-start)/period < 1) return 1;
    • if (period > 0 AND 1 <= (stop-start)/period) return (stop-start)/period + 1;
    • if (period > 0 AND (stop === Infinity OR stop === undefined)) return Infinity;
  • The start, period, and stop properties can be defined as an Const instance as well as a number.
  • Switcher will not change any values unless it is referenced in the assignments property of the Record instance. Use syntax p1 [sw1]= p1 + 1; to update the value of the Record instance p1 by the switcher sw1.


Simple one time switch at time 5

sw1 @TimeSwitcher {
    start: 5

Switch every 24 hours starting at time 0

sw1 @TimeSwitcher {
    start: 0,
    period: 24,
    atStart: true // to trigger at time 0
x @Record .= 0;
x [sw1]= x + 1;

Switch at 0, every 24 hours but last switch at time 72 hours, total 4 switches

sw1 @TimeSwitcher {
    start: 0,
    period: 24,
    stop: 72,
    atStart: true

Set the start, period, and stop properties as inputs

starting_time @Const .= 0;
interval @Const .= 24;
end_time @Const .= 72;
sw2 @TimeSwitcher {
    start: starting_time,
    period: period,
    stop: stop_time,
    atStart: true

Set inactive switcher, it is not triggered during the simulation

sw3 @TimeSwitcher {
    start: 10,
    period: 5,
    stop: 30,
    active: true

Wrong reference to the Record instance in the TimeSwitcher

p1 @Record .= 12;
sw4 @TimeSwitcher {
    start: p1


Parent: _Switcher

The DSwitcher class (Discrete Switcher) triggers assignments based on a boolean condition.


Property Type Required Default Description
trigger MathExpr Yes A boolean expression that determines when the switcher is activated.


  • The DSwitcher monitors the value of the trigger expression.
  • The switcher activates when the trigger transitions from false to true.
  • The trigger property must evaluate to a boolean expression, such as (x > 1) && (y != x).
  • For non-boolean expressions, use the CSwitcher class.


Discrete switcher that updates the value of the s1 at some specific condition.

sw1 @DSwitcher {
    trigger: (x > 1) && (y != x)
s1 @Species { compartment: comp1, isAmount: true } .= 0;
s1 [sw1]= s1 + dose;

The DSwitcher sw2 activates when x exceeds 10. When sw2 activates, the value of p1 is set to 5.

sw2 @DSwitcher {
    trigger: x > 10
p1 @Record .= 0;
p1 [sw2]= 5;

Wrong update of the Record instance by the DSwitcher

sw3 @DSwitcher {
    trigger: x > 10
p2 @Record := 10;
p2 [sw3]= 5; // This statement will be ignored, because p2 is initiated by rule


Parent: _Switcher

The CSwitcher class (Continuous Switcher) activates based on a condition derived from a continuous mathematical expression.


Property Type Required Default Description
trigger MathExpr Yes A mathematical expression used to determine the switching condition.


  • The CSwitcher continuously evaluates the trigger expression.
  • It triggers when the specified expression crosses zero, transitioning from negative to positive values, crossing zero.
  • The CSwitcher is well-suited for scenarios where changes are driven by continuous dynamics, such as transitions based on rates or thresholds.
  • The trigger property must evaluate to a numerical expression, such as x - y.
  • For boolean expressions, use the DSwitcher class.


The CSwitcher sw2 triggers when velocity exceeds threshold, causing the expression (velocity - threshold) to cross zero. When triggered, the value of p1 is set to 10.

sw2 @CSwitcher {
    trigger: (velocity - threshold)
p1 @Record .= 0;
p1 [sw2]= 10;


Parent: _Switcher

The StopSwitcher class is a specialized switcher that terminates ODE simulations when a specified boolean condition is met.


Property Type Required Default Shorthand Description
trigger MathExpr Yes A boolean expression used to determine when the simulation should stop.


  • The simulation stops immediately when the trigger expression evaluates to true.
  • This switcher is typically used to model scenarios with predefined termination conditions, such as reaching a threshold value.
  • Unlike other _Switcher instances, it does not create a new assignment scope.
  • The StopSwitcher is experimental and should be used with caution in complex models.


The simulation stops as soon as the value of p1 exceeds p2.

ss1 @StopSwitcher {
    trigger: p1 > p2

Concentration drops below 1e-6, or the simulation time exceeds max_time.

ss2 @StopSwitcher {
    trigger: (concentration < 1e-6) || (time > max_time)