This is a Serverless App for sharing images between people.
- Login with your Google Account
- Upload your own Images
- Delete your own Images
- Like Images from other people
- include tags with Images e.g. #Hello
- Filter Images by Tags
- Write Comments under Images
- Get Notified when somebody writes a comment under your post
If you want to mess around with it by yourself follow these steps.
- you will need npm and node js from here then open a command prompt and type
npm install npm@latest -g
- Then you can clone the repo and install the dependencies
git clone
cd *foldername*
npm install
- Next open the folder in your favourite Code Editor e.g. visual studio code.
- There you need to replace the
const config
in firebase/firebase.js with your own credentials which you'll get here firebase console. A good tutorial is here Add Firebase to your JS Project. - Then open a command prompt and type and the project should start up
npm start