This guide is for developers who want to contribute to the MSDKUI codebase, build the MSDKUI library, or run the demo application on their local machines. For using the MSDKUILib.aar
on your own project, or running the accompanying example apps, please check the QuickStart guide.
- Getting the code
- See available Gradle tasks
- Building the MSDKUI library
- Building the Demo app
- Building the Dev app
- Commit policy
- Submitting a pull request
$ git clone
$ cd msdkui-android
The HERE SDK UI Kit for Android is built using Gradle. For an overview of the available tasks, switch to command line and execute:
- ./gradlew task from MSDKUIKIT folder to see all lib related tasks
- ./gradlew task from MSDKUIDemo folder to see all Demo app related tasks
The easiest way to build the MSDKUI library (MSDKUILib) is using the command line:
- Put the
file from your HERE SDK package to MSDKUIKit/libs/. - Build the MSDKUI library via Gradle. Navigate to the MSDKUIKit folder and execute:
./gradlew clean :MSDKUILib:assembleRelease
Note: Please, make sure to set
to your environmentPATH
variable. It should point to the location where you have installed the Android SDK.
The built MSDKUILib-release.aar
is then located in your new MSDKUIKit/MSDKUILib/build/outputs/aar/ subfolder.
Note: You can also build the lib from within Android Studio. Open the MSDKUIKit Android project and open the Gradle "Tool Windows" to see all available Gradle tasks. Select and execute the
To generate the MSDKUI API Reference, navigate to the MSDKUIKit folder and run:
./gradlew clean :MSDKUILib:javadocJar
It will place the API Reference at build/docs/javadoc/
. Run open build/docs/javadoc/index.html
to open the documentation on the default browser. The Javadoc Jar can be found at build/libs/
Switch to command line and navigate to the MSDKUIKit folder. Execute: ./gradlew :MSDKUILib:testDebugUnitTest
Note: Alternatively, you can also run the tests from within Android Studio by right clicking on a specific test or the test/msdkui subfolder and clicking "Run Tests". You can also directly select the Gradle Task:
MSDKUILib -> Tasks -> verification -> test
(right-click and run).
Execute /gradlew :MSDKUILib:testDebugUnitTest :MSDKUILib:jacocoTestDebugReport
to run all unit tests and to generate a coverage report. The report will be available in MSDKUILib/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestDebugReport. Open index.html
to see an overview of the current code coverage.
Note: To generate the coverage report from within Android Studio, execute the Gradle Task from the "Tools Window":
MSDKUILib -> Tasks -> reporting -> jacocoTestDebugReport
(right-click and run).
Before building, testing, or running the MSDKUI Demo application it's important to set the HERE Mobile SDK credentials. If you don't know your credentials, please ask your HERE stakeholder or register on and create new ones.
Don't set your credentials directly to the Android manifest (as otherwise you would need to exclude them for every commit). Instead add MSDKUI_APP_ID_ANDROID
to your OS $PATH
, see MSDKUIDemo/MSDKUIApp/build.gradle for details.
Alternatively, you can replace "APP_ID", "APP_TOKEN" and "APP_LICENSE" in MSDKUIDemo/MSDKUIApp/build.gradle:
resValue 'string', 'HERE_SDK_APP_ID', System.getenv("MSDKUI_APP_ID_ANDROID") ?: "APP_ID"
resValue 'string', 'HERE_SDK_APP_TOKEN', System.getenv("MSDKUI_APP_TOKEN_ANDROID") ?: "APP_TOKEN"
When you register on, the registered bundle identifier must match the applicationId in the app's build.gradle. For the demo app this is by default
- you may need to adapt the applicationId
to the one you have registered.
In order to build and to run the demo app with Android Studio, you need to integrate the HERE Mobile SDK (Premium Edition) version 3.19. Additionally, you need to integrate the MSDKUI library.
- Put the HERE-sdk.aar file from your HERE SDK package and the MSDKUI library to MSDKUIDemo/libs/.
- Open and build the project located at MSDKUIDemo/ in Android Studio.
- Run it on a device or emulator of your choice.
Note: Alternatively, you can build the Demo from command line. Navigate to the MSDKUIDemo folder and execute:
./gradlew clean :MSDKUIApp:assembleRelease
. The built Demo APK is then located in your new MSDKUIDemo/MSDUIApp/output subfolder. Copy the APK to your device and run it.
Switch to command line and navigate to the MSDKUIDemo folder. Execute: ./gradlew :MSDKUIApp:testDebugUnitTest
Note: Alternatively, you can also run the tests from within Android Studio by right clicking on a specific test or the test subfolder and clicking "Run Tests". You can also directly select the Gradle Task:
MSDKUIApp -> Tasks -> verification -> test
(right-click and run).
Execute /gradlew :MSDKUIApp:testDebugUnitTest :MSDKUIApp:jacocoTestDebugReport
to run all unit tests and to generate a coverage report. The report will be available in MSDKUIApp/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestDebugReport. Open index.html
to see an overview of the current code coverage.
Note: To generate the coverage report from within Android Studio, execute the Gradle Task from the "Tools Window":
MSDKUIApp -> Tasks -> reporting -> jacocoTestDebugReport
(right-click and run).
Switch to command line and navigate to the MSDKUIDemo folder. Execute: ./gradlew MSDKUIApp:connectedAndroidTest
Note: Alternatively, you can also run the UI tests from within Android Studio by right clicking on a specific test or the androidTest subfolder and clicking "Run Tests". You can also directly select the Gradle Task:
MSDKUIApp -> Tasks -> build -> assembleAndroidTest
(right-click and run).
Usually, it should be sufficient to keep library and Demo project separated. If you are planning to contribute to the Demo app - or to test your new components as part of the Demo app - it may be convenient to build both as part of one Android Studio project.
As the first step, open the MSDKUIDemo project in Android Studio. In MSDKUIDemo/settings.gradle, add the following to include the lib project:
include ':MSDKUILib'
project(':MSDKUILib').projectDir = new File('../MSDKUIKit/MSDKUILib')
In MSDKUIDemo/MSDKUIApp/build.gradle, comment the first line and add the 2nd line to ensure that the lib is built locally (no need to it add manually):
//implementation(name: 'MSDKUILib', ext: 'aar')
implementation(project(path: ':MSDKUILib'))
In MSDKUIDemo/build.gradle add the following build script dependency:
classpath 'org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:4.4.15'
This project includes a Dev application, which is designed to display MSDKUI views in their raw form. While the Demo app offers a polished experience of the MSDKUI components, it doesn't show all possible states of a view.
- Put the HERE-sdk.aar file from your HERE Mobile SDK package and the MSDKUI library to
. Make sure the library is named "MSDKUILib.aar" to match the dependencies in the app'sbuild.gradle
file. - Open and build the project located at
in Android Studio. - Run it on a device or an emulator of your choice.
Note that the Dev app does not require HERE credentials.
Please follow our commit policy. Once you have pushed your changes, you should be able to see your work on GitHub. Each pull request will be reviewed and merged if there are no objections. Before sending a pull request, please make sure to:
- Write well-formatted commit messages.
- Explain what the pull request addresses (especially if your pull request bundles several commits).
- Add unit tests for newly added features or - if suitable - for bug fixes.
- Keep the unit test coverage above 80%.
- Add new UI components to the Dev app.
- If your change involves a new UI behavior, please consider to help us write a UI test (not mandatory, but more than welcome).
We follow the format described below to ensure all the commit messages are aligned and in a consistent format.
TICKET-XYZ: Capitalized short - 80 characters or less - title
Extended description. Please wrap it to 80 characters. Don't forget
the blank line separating the title from the description, otherwise
Git will treat the entire thing as title.
Use blank lines for additional paragraphs.
- Lists/bullet points are okay.
- Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet and don't forget
to indent additional lines, like this one.
- Keep the title short. It should explain what the commit is about.
- Don't end the commit title with a period.
- Use imperative mood (Fix instead of Fixes, Add instead of Adds, etc..).
TICKET-X, TICKET-Y, TICKET-Z: Capitalized short - 80 characters or less - title
TICKET-X: Ticket X Title
TICKET-Y: Ticket Y Title
TICKET-Z: Ticket Z Title
Extended description (as for a normal ticket, see above).
- Pull requests may contain multiple commits.
- Pull requests should not include "Merge" commits.
- Rebase your work to keep the pull request commits on top.
- Give the pull request a short title which explains what the pull request is about.
- Give the pull request a description with details on what the pull request is about.
- Once the pull request is merged into master, delete the remote feature branch.