A persistent keyed data structure library focusing on simple extensible interface.
After reading “Data-Oriented Programming” by Yehonathan Sharvit, I thought, I need a shared persistent data library to apply the ideas in his book. Along with shared persistent data structures, I’d also need a way to generate and apply diffs.
The pkgetset
system contains getk, setk, ergonomic helpers to go with those functions, a few basic containers, and some methods so that getk can work with lists, hash tables and vectors.
The pkgetset.sycamore
system has persistent data structures built using sycamore
Built on top of sycamore, this provides an ergonomic way to use persistent data structures.
A simple example: get by key
(let ((data (pk.sym :a 1
:b 2)))
(getk data :a)) ;; => 1
Then set by key
(let ((persistent (pk.sym :a 1
:b 2)))
(setk persistent :c 3)) ; => (pk.sym :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
;; persistent is still (pk.sym :a 1 :b 2)
Nested data too
(let ((data (pk.sym :a 1
:b (pk.gen "ba" 0))))
(getk* data '(:b "ba"))) ; => 0
Or something more complicated.
(ewith-keyed (json->pk.gen "{\"data\":{\"testing\":{\"rows\":[15,24,96]}},\"code\":100}")
("data" ("testing" ("rows" (1 second-testing-row)))
"code" code)
(list second-testing-row code)) ; => '(24 100)
The base functions either get, set of modify. They are named similarly with some consistency. There are a few modifiers that change the base functions “getk”, “setk” and “modk” in consistent ways.
- e
- (prefix) Error when key doesn’t exist.
- ?
- (suffix) Tests if key exists
- *
- (suffix) Takes a path of keys instead of a single key
- !
- (suffix) Update in place. Does not change original persistent container.
- getk
- Get a value from a key (or provide optional default)
- getk?
- Does container have this key?
- egetk
- Get a value from a key or signal an error
- getk*
- Get a value by list of keys (a path)
- egetk*
- Get a value from a list of keys or signal an error
- setk
- Set a value by key
- setk!
- Set a value by key in place (doesn’t modify the original container)
- setk*
- Set a value by path
- setk*!
- Set a value by path in place (doesn’t modify the original container)
- modk
- Modify key by function
- modk*
- Modify path by function
- emodk
- Modify key by function. Error if key doesn’t exist.
- emodk*
- Modify path by function. Error if path doesn’t exist.
- modk!
- Modify key by function and update symbol in place (doesn’t modify original container)
- modk*!
- Modify path by function and update symbol in place (doesn’t modify original container)
- emodk*!
- Modify path by function in place (…). Error if path doesn’t exist.
- remk
- Remove key and return new container
- remk!
- Remove key and replace symbol
- remk*
- Remove path. Doesn’t remove empty containers.
- remk*!
- Remove path. Doesn’t remove empty containers. In place.
- keyed-merge
- Combine containers by key and return new container
- with-keyed
- Bind symbols to keys
- ewith-keyed
- Bind symbols to keys and error if any missing
- fold-keyed
- Iterate over keys and values with function
- over-keyed
- Iterate over keys and values like dolist where bound symbols are identified by keywords :key, :value, :accumulator and :initial
The containers are:
- mutable-dict
- A hash-table based container that allows mutation until finalized as a pdict.
- pdict
- A naive hash-table based container that copies on set.
The containers are:
- pk.gen
- Keys may be symbols, strings or numbers. Useful when converting from JSON.
- pk.sym
- Keys may only be symbols.
- pk.str
- Keys may only be strings.
- pvec
- Persistent vector. Setk functions also allow :start :end and (:insert n) as keys.
Read only access is implemented to work with getk for
- array
- cons
- hash-table
- vector
and diff-by-keys-find-deleted
returns a pk.gen that can be inspected, or applied with apply-diff
. In a multi-threaded environment where two changes occur simultaneously, diffs-in-conflict-p
can check if one needs to be rejected.
The system uses parachute as the testing framework. There are many tests which also serve as examples of use.
(asdf:load-system 'pkgetset)
(asdf:test-system 'pkgetset)
(asdf:load-system 'pkgetset.sycamore)
(asdf:test-system 'pkgetset.sycamore)
(asdf:load-system 'pkgetset.sycamore.shasht)
(asdf:test-system 'pkgetset.sycamore.shasht)
helpers need configurable parameters to control serialization- Validation needs to be moved over into a separate system from my personal projects.