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Cikilop v.1.1 is a simple and easy to use data migration tool for MongoDB that encourages you to write your migration scripts in Python. All you need is docker (or python 3.6).
- You need to manage your migrations commit by commit in your CI pipeline. A commit can have more than one new migration, in that case you need to migrate them in order, and if commit fails, you need to revert them in reverse order.
- You want simply revert your migration from the CLI
- Your project is written in Python, you are more comfortable with pymongo then plain mongo script.
- You don't want to depend anything except docker
- You just liked it's name <3
What you need: Prepare your migration scripts, prepare your config, run cikilop. That's it.
1. Build your migration script with only two functions:
def success(client):
col = client["exampledb"]["examplecol"]
col.insert_one({"_id": 1})
def fail(client):
col = client["exampledb"]["examplecol"]
col.remove({"_id": 1})
Both functions must have an input parameter client
, which cikilop ships to you. Indeed, it is regular pymongo
MongoClient object (pymongo.MongoClient
2. You need to name your script as 01-xxxx.py
, it must start with a number with dash. Cikilop sorts your migration files using that number.
Caveat: When applying the migration, scripts run with ascending order (e.g. 01-mig.py
, 02-mig.py
, 03-mig.py
When reverting the migration, scripts run with descending order (e.g. 03-mig.py
, 02-mig.py
, 01-mig.py
3. Prepare your simple configuration file, Its name must be config.json. You must define configuration for each environment. There is an example for local environment above:
"local": {
"migrations_db_name" : "migrations_db",
"migrations_coll_name" : "migration_list",
"mongo_uri" : "mongodb://username:pass@"
Note: The name you set for migrations_coll_name and migrations_db_name are used by cikilop itself. It creates a collection in specified db and stores the migration records in it.
4. Run it!
Use the wrapper script (it also uses docker):
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hepsiburada/cikilop/master/ciki.sh --output ciki.sh && chmod +x ciki.sh
e.g.: sudo ./ciki.sh -e local -c $(pwd)/config.local.json -m $(pwd)/migrations
To revert, add -r true
or use docker directly:
docker run -e env=local -v ABSOLUTE_CONFIG_FILE_PATH:/app/src/config/config.json -v ABSOLUTE_MIGRATIONS_FOLDER_PATH:/app/src/migrations hepsiburada/cikilop:latest
e.g. docker run -e env=local -v $(pwd)/config.json:/app/src/config/config.json -v $(pwd)/migrations:/app/src/migrations hepsiburada/cikilop:latest
To revert, add --revert
to docker run
- When migrating:
- Cikilop first checks your files in your migrations folder with its migration collection in your mongo.
- If your folder has any new files, or any files that is already reverted in mongo, cikilop runs success functions of that files. (ordering: first 01-example.py, then 02-example.py)
- When reverting:
- Cikilop gets last created migration from its migration collection. It may have more than one files.
- It checks the files in last created migration with the files in your migrations folder.
- Takes their union.
- Reverts them by calling fail functions of the files. (ordering: first 02-example.py then 01-example.py)
1.0.1 => 1.1
- Feature: Multiple mongo db support by allowing user to access mongo client object.
- Feature: Users can store migration records in distinct database. (It was restricted to the database script will run on)
- GNU GPL v3