2198-CSE-5324-002 Team2 project
CSE 5324 Software Engineering I Analysis, Design, Testing
name | |
Hengchao Wang | hengchao.wang@mavs.uta.edu |
Wuxuan Yang | wuxuan.yang@mavs.uta.edu |
Yipu Qin | yipu.qin@mavs.uta.edu |
- Inception(Written Deliverable)
- Inception(Presentation)
- Iteration1(Written)
- Iteration1(Presentation)
- Iteration2(Written)
- Iteration2(Presentation)
- Iteration3(Written)
- Iteration3(Presentation)
- Final Iteration(Written)
- Final Iteration(Presentation)
- Spring-boot ==2.1.8.RELEASE
- Lombok ==1.18.10
- MySQL == 8.0 Series(mariaDB is down for mac)
- Java == 1.8
- Maven == 3.6.2
- Install MySQL or MariaDB databases.
- Create a database named news.
- Build the system. It will create tables in the database automatically.
- Run the NewsApplication.java in project dictionary News_Management_System\src\main\java\com\test\news.