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Why share when you can have the entire Gaia database locally?

MyGaiaDB is a simple Python package that provides scripts to help you set up a local Gaia DR3 database, along with local 2MASS, ALLWISE, and CATWISE databases, without needing administrative privileges. It's compatible with all major platforms (Linux, Mac, and Windows) because MyGaiaDB is serverless and only requires Python with sqlite, as long as you have enough disk space.

This code was primarily developed to assist with my research project involving Gaia DR3 XP spectra. It is not intended to cover every aspect of research using Gaia's 1 billion stars. The main goal of this code is to make setting up a local Gaia database, along with 2MASS, ALLWISE, and CATWISE, accessible to everyone. Potential use cases include, but are not limited to, making complex and lengthy cross-matching queries with multiple databases, which can be time-consuming (especially given the online ESA Gaia archive's timeout limitations).

Feel free to modify the code and submit pull requests to enhance its functionality for yourself and others.

Parts of this code are not continuously tested, as it is impractical to run this code with several terabytes of Gaia data on GitHub Actions.

This code requires python >= 3.10 with numpy, pandas, h5py, astropy and tqdm. This code only needs the sqlite3 library that comes bundled with your Python installation. You need to make sure that the sqlite3ext.h file is available in your path and your Python is compiled with sqlite extension enabled (i.e., compiled with PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions"). For some optional functionalities, galpy, mwdust are required. Downloading functions will require wget.

You can install the precompiled MyGaiaDB wheels by running pip install mygaiadb.

Alternatively, you can compile the code locally from the source. You'll need to add the folder containing sqlite3ext.h to your INCLUDE environment variable. Depending on your platforms, the commands are:

  • Windows Command Prompt: set INCLUDE=%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\include;%INCLUDE%
  • Windows PowerShell: $env:INCLUDE="$env:CONDA_PREFIX\Library\include"
  • MacOS with Conda: export CPPFLAGS=-I$CONDA_PREFIX/include
  • MacOS with sqlite installed via Homebrew: export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix sqlite)/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix sqlite)/include"
  • Linux: No action needed usually

Then, you can run python -m pip install . to install the latest commits from GitHub or python -m pip install -e . to develop MyGaiaDB locally.

Ensure you have at least ~8TB of free disk space with fast random read speed for optimal query performance. First, set an environment variable called MY_ASTRO_DATA that points to a folder containing your astronomical data. To be compatible with other Python packages, there should be a folder called gaia_mirror under MY_ASTRO_DATA that contains all Gaia data (similar to the GAIA_TOOLS_DATA environment variable used by Jo Bovy's gaia_tools).

If starting from scratch on a clean computer, set the MY_ASTRO_DATA environment variable, and MyGaiaDB will populate the necessary files and folders. MyGaiaDB will use the ~/.mygaiadb folder to save user-specific settings and tables.

If you already have the data on your computer but in a different directory structure and cannot move them, you can use symbolic links to create the required folder structure without duplicating files. For Linux and MacOS, use ln -s {source-dir-or-file-path} {symbolic-dir-or-file-path}. For Windows, use mklink {symbolic-file-path} {source-file-path} or mklink /D {symbolic-dir-path} {source-dir-path}. The case sensitive folder structure should look something like the following chart:

├── .mygaiadb

├── gaia_mirror/
│   ├── Gaia/
│   │   ├── gdr3/
│   │   │   ├── Astrophysical_parameters/astrophysical_parameters/
│   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   ├── AstrophysicalParameters_000000-003111.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   └── AstrophysicalParameters_786097-786431.csv.gz
│   │   │   ├── gaia_source/
│   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   ├── GaiaSource_000000-003111.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   └── GaiaSource_786097-786431.csv.gz
│   │   │   ├── cross_match/
│   │   │   │   ├── allwise_best_neighbour/
│   │   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   │   ├── allwiseBestNeighbour0001.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   │   └── allwiseBestNeighbour0033.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   ├── tmasspscxsc_best_neighbour/
│   │   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   │   ├── tmasspscxscBestNeighbour0001.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   │   └── tmasspscxscBestNeighbour0047.csv.gz
│   │   │   ├── Spectroscopy/
│   │   │   │   ├── rvs_mean_spectrum/
│   │   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   │   ├── RvsMeanSpectrum_000000-003111.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   │   └── RvsMeanSpectrum_786097-786431.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   ├── xp_continuous_mean_spectrum/
│   │   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   │   ├── XpContinuousMeanSpectrum_000000-003111.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   │   └── XpContinuousMeanSpectrum_786097-786431.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   ├── xp_sampled_mean_spectrum/
│   │   │   │   │   ├── _MD5SUM.txt
│   │   │   │   │   ├── XpSampledMeanSpectrum_000000-003111.csv.gz
│   │   │   │   │   ├── ******
│   │   │   │   │   └── XpSampledMeanSpectrum_786097-786431.csv.gz
├── 2mass_mirror/
│   ├── psc_aaa.gz
│   ├── ******
│   └── xsc_baa.gz
├── allwise_mirror/
│   ├── wise-allwise-cat-part01.bz2
│   ├── ******
│   └── wise-allwise-cat-part48.bz2
└── catwise_mirror/
    └── 2020/
        ├── 000/
        │   ├── 0000m016_opt1_20191208_213403_ab_v5_cat_b0.tbl.gz
        │   └── ******
        ├── 001/
        │   ├── 0015m016_opt1_20191209_054819_ab_v5_cat_b0.tbl.gz
        │   └── ******
        └── ******

To download and populate data with MyGaiaDB, you can do

from import download

# for gaia_source
# for gaia astrophysical_parameters
# for 2mass best neightbour
# for allwise best neightbour
# for 2MASS
# for allwise
# for catwise
# for xp continuous
# for xp sampled
# for rvs spectra

Official data links:

The following functions are used to compile the databases. Each function only needs to be run once per computer where the data is stored, and each function will generate large-sized files. If you are using a shared computing server, only one user needs to run these functions. Once the databases are compiled, share the MY_ASTRO_DATA folder path with other users. They can set their own MY_ASTRO_DATA environment variable to point to that folder. Multiple users on the same computers can access the SQL database simultaneously, as MyGaiaDB will set the databases to read-only mode before loading them, preventing accidental modifications.

from import compile

# compile Gaia SQL dataset
# compile 2MASS SQL dataset
# compile ALLWISE SQL dataset
# compile CATWISE SQL dataset

# turn compressed XP coeffs files to h5, with options to save correlation matrix too
# a large amount of disk space (~3TB) is required if save_correlation_matrix=True
# compile all XP coeffs into a single h5, partitioned batches of stars by their HEALPix
# with options to save correlation matrix too, BUT it requires yo to run compile_xp_continuous_h5(save_correlation_matrix=True) first
# a large amount of disk space (~3TB) is required if save_correlation_matrix=True

In MyGaiaDB, the following databases are available if all have been compiled: gaiadr3.gaia_source, gaiadr3.allwise_best_neighbour, gaiadr3.tmasspscxsc_best_neighbour, gaiadr3.astrophysical_parameters, tmass.twomass_psc, allwise.allwise and catwise.catwise. A few utility functions are available to list tables and their columns. Below is a brief description of each table:

You can use the list_all_tables() function to get a list of tables, excluding user_table. For example:

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()

>>> # print a list of tables
>>> print(local_db.list_all_tables())
['gaiadr3.gaia_source', ...]

You can use get_table_column(table_name) to get a list of columns of a table which must be in the format of {database_name}.{table_name}, gaiadr3.gaia_source in this case

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()

>>> # print a list of columns of a table
>>> print(local_db.get_table_column("gaiadr3.gaia_source"))
['source_id', 'random_index', ...]

If you want to manage and edit the databases with GUI, you can try to use SQLiteStudio or DB Browser for SQLite.

SQL query in MyGaiaDB is largely the same as Gaia Archive. Although MyGaiaDB has implemented all mathematical functions in way aligned with ADQL, MyGaiaDB has only implemented a few advanced ADQL function like DISTANCE as well as additional functions on ESA Gaia TAP+.

For example the following query which used a special function called DISTANCE defined in ADQL

SELECT DISTANCE(179., 10., G.ra, G.dec) as ang_sep
FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
WHERE G.source_id = 154378304526208

returns 132.172604 on Gaia Archive. And you can also use such query in the same manner as you would on Gaia Archive

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()
>>> local_db.query("""
...     SELECT DISTANCE(179., 10., G.ra, G.dec) as ang_sep
...     FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
...     WHERE G.source_id = 154378304526208
... """)
0  132.172604

which you will get the same result of 132.172604.

For example the following query which utilize conventional maths function to approximate uncertainty in Gaia G magnitude

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()
>>> # CDS equation for conversion:
>>> local_db.query("""
...     SELECT sqrt(power(((2.5 / log(10)) * (1 / G.phot_g_mean_flux_over_error)), 2) + power(0.0027553202, 2)) as phot_g_mean_mag_error
...     FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
...     WHERE G.source_id = 154378304526208
... """)
0               0.003619

Another example is the following query that works on Gaia Archive will also work in MyGaiaDB to select the first 100 gaia sources with XP coefficients

FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
WHERE (G.has_xp_continuous = 'True')

To run this query in MyGaiaDB, you can do the following and will get a pandas Dataframe back as the result

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()
>>> local_db.query("""SELECT TOP 100 * FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G  WHERE (G.has_xp_continuous = 'True')""")
         source_id  random_index  ...  has_xp_sampled  has_rvs
0       ...

The following example query is too complex for Gaia Archive, thus you will get timeout error but luckily, you've got MyGaiaDB to do the job. The following example query from gaia_source table, astrophysical_parameters table, 2MASS and ALLWISE table all at once. Moreover, MyGaiaDB set each dataset to read-only before loading it. If you want to edit the database afterward, you must set the appropriate permission manually each time you have used MyGaiaDB.

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()

>>> query = """
... SELECT G.source_id, G.ra, G.dec, G.pmra, G.pmdec, G.parallax, G.parallax_error, G.phot_g_mean_mag, GA.logg_gspspec,
... TM.j_m, AW.w1mpro
... FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
... INNER JOIN gaiadr3.astrophysical_parameters as GA on GA.source_id = G.source_id
... INNER JOIN gaiadr3.tmasspscxsc_best_neighbour as T on G.source_id = T.source_id
... INNER JOIN gaiadr3.allwise_best_neighbour as W on W.source_id = T.source_id
... INNER JOIN tmass.twomass_psc as TM on TM.designation = T.original_ext_source_id
... INNER JOIN allwise.allwise as AW on AW.designation = W.original_ext_source_id
... WHERE (G.has_xp_continuous = 1) AND (G.ruwe < 1.4) AND (G.ipd_frac_multi_peak <= 2) AND (G.ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude<0.1) AND (GA.logg_gspspec < 3.0)
... """

>>> # take ~12 hours to complete
>>> local_db.save_csv(query, "output.csv", chunksize=50000, overwrite=True, comments=True)

As you can see for has_xp_continuous, we can also use 1 to represent true which is used by Gaia archive but both are fine with MyGaiaDB. The overwrite=True means the function will save the file even if the file with the same name already exists. The comments=True means the function will save the query as a comment in the csv file so you know how to reproduce the query result. To read the comments from the csv file, you can use the following code

>>> from itertools import takewhile
>>> with open("output.csv", "r") as fobj:
...     headiter = takewhile(lambda s: s.startswith("#"), fobj)
...     header = list(headiter)
>>> print(" ".join(header).replace(" # ", "").replace("# ", ""))
SELECT G.source_id, G.ra, G.dec, G.pmra, G.pmdec, G.parallax, G.parallax_error, G.phot_g_mean_mag, GA.logg_gspspec,
TM.j_m, AW.w1mpro
FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
INNER JOIN gaiadr3.astrophysical_parameters as GA on GA.source_id = G.source_id
INNER JOIN gaiadr3.tmasspscxsc_best_neighbour as T on G.source_id = T.source_id
INNER JOIN gaiadr3.allwise_best_neighbour as W on W.source_id = T.source_id
INNER JOIN tmass.twomass_psc as TM on TM.designation = T.original_ext_source_id
INNER JOIN allwise.allwise as AW on AW.designation = W.original_ext_source_id
WHERE (G.has_xp_continuous = 1) AND (G.ruwe < 1.4) AND (G.ipd_frac_multi_peak <= 2) AND (G.ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude<0.1) AND (GA.logg_gspspec < 3.0)

MyGaiaDB also has callbacks functionality called LambdaCallback, these callbacks can be used when you do query. For example, you can create a callbacks to convert ra in degree to ra_rad in radian. So your csv file in the end will have a new column called ra_rad. Functions in LambdaCallback must have arguments with exact column names in your query so MyGaiaDB knows which columns to use on the fly.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL, LambdaCallback

>>> # initialize a local Gaia SQL database instance
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()

>>> query = """
... SELECT G.source_id, G.ra, G.dec
... FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
... LIMIT 100
... """
>>> ra_conversion = LambdaCallback(new_col_name="ra_rad", func=lambda ra: ra / 180 * np.pi)

>>> local_db.save_csv(query, "output.csv", chunksize=50000, overwrite=True, callbacks=[ra_conversion], comments=True)

We also have a few useful callbacks included by default to add columns like zero-point corrected parallax or extinction

>>> from mygaiadb.query import ZeroPointCallback, DustCallback

>>> query = """
... SELECT G.source_id, G.ra, G.dec, G.parallax, G.phot_bp_mean_mag, G.nu_eff_used_in_astrometry, G.pseudocolour, G.astrometric_params_solved
... FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G
... LIMIT 100000
... """

>>> # adding zero-point corrected parallax using official Gaia DR3 parallax zero-point python package
>>> zp_callback = ZeroPointCallback(new_col_name="parallax_w_zp")
>>> # adding SFD E(B-V) in 2MASS H band filter using mwdust python package
>>> dust_callback = DustCallback(new_col_name="sfd_ebv", filter="2MASS H", dustmap="SFD")

>>> local_db.save_csv(query, "output.csv", chunksize=50000, overwrite=True, callbacks=[zp_callback, dust_callback])

MyGaiaDB support the use of user uploaded table. You can load your table first by pandas and then do

>>> from mygaiadb.query import LocalGaiaSQL
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> local_db = LocalGaiaSQL()
>>> local_db.upload_user_table(pd.DataFrame({"source_id": [158329674677120, 27373239622051072, 11638124421673088]}), tablename="my_table_1")

and then carry-on doing query with my_table_1 cross-matching with other tables like

>>> local_db.query("""SELECT * FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source as G  INNER JOIN user_table.my_table_1 as MY on MY.source_id = G.source_id""")
    source_id  random_index  ...  has_rvs            source_id
0  ...

You can check the list of your own user tables with column names by using list_user_tables()

>>> local_db.list_user_tables()
{'my_table_1': ['source_id']}

and you can remove a user table like my_table_1 in this case by using remove_user_table()

>>> local_db.remove_user_table("my_table_1")

There can be use case where you want to run a function (e.g., a machine learning model) to a large batch of Gaia source ids with reasonable memory usage. You can use MyGaiaDB to do that in batch provided you have compiled a single h5 with mygaiadb.compile.compile_xp_continuous_allinone_h5()

from mygaiadb.spec import yield_xp_coeffs

for i in yield_xp_coeffs(a_very_long_source_id_array):
    coeffs, idx = i
    # XP coeffs of idx from the original a_very_long_source_id_array

# alternatively if you also want coeffs error
for i in yield_xp_coeffs(a_very_long_source_id_array, return_errors=True):
    coeffs, idx, coeffs_err = i  # unpack

# alternatively if you want coeffs error and some other columns like bp_n_relevant_basesand rp_n_relevant_bases
# ref:
for i in yield_xp_coeffs(a_very_long_source_id_array, return_errors=True, return_additional_columns=["bp_n_relevant_bases", "rp_n_relevant_bases"]):
    coeffs, idx, coeffs_err, bp_n_relevant_bases, rp_n_relevant_bases = i  # unpack

For example you want to infer M_H with your machine learning model on many XP spectra

from mygaiadb.spec import yield_xp_coeffs

m_h = np.ones(len(a_very_long_source_id_array)) * np.nan
for i in yield_xp_coeffs(a_very_long_source_id_array):
    coeffs, idx = i  # unpack
    m_h[idx] = your_ml_model(coeffs)
  • Henry Leung - henrysky
    University of Toronto
    Contact Henry: henrysky.leung [at]

This package is original developed for the paper Towards an astronomical foundation model for stars with a Transformer-based model.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.