- Hello there, I’m Henry Hall. I just graduated with a degree in applied mathematics and computer science from Weber State.
- Currently working as a Digital Image Processing Intern.
- Mostly right now I'm just messing around and doing personal projects that interest me and help me develop new skills.
- Currently working on some full stack Python applications.
- I have experience in C/C++, Python, SQL, a little MongoDB, and I've seen some Dotnet Core. I've done web development with Python/Flask.
- I have a lot of academic experience with cryptography.
- I’m looking to collaborate on really anything, especially cyber security.
- You can reach me at henrydhall3.14@gmail.com
Because these are projects which were originally school work, I have made them private. Please feel free to reach out and I will get access for you.
- Relational Database Demo
- 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon
- Bomblab
I have a number of projects that I've used to help with Imaging Projects that have problems while I've been with FamilySearch. These include image processors to make sure images can be imported to our system, correcting naming conventions in projects, and reorganizing projects that were created incorrectly. If you'd like to see these feel free to reach out and we could chat about them.