A Forwarder (aka. Bouncer) smart-contract to facilitate meta-transactions via a relayer(s) built in solidity. This contract can serve as the meta abstraction for any type of smart-contract. In the tests, I use an ERC20.
Meta-transactions provide various advantages for a web3 ecosystem, including gas-less transactions for new users - specifically aiding in new user onboarding, as well as incentivises mining for internal ecosytems where users can be whitelisted and "mine" these metatransactions from a pool while recieving a fee to do so.
- nonce collision detection for replay protection (may not be necessary depending on your impl)
- batching for gas efficiency/ higher volume
- whitelisting for both relayers (e.g hotwallet, or Infura), as well as signers (original senders); either can be toggled on/off
- fee (for relayer gas fee) to be paid in either native ERC20 token, or ETH
(for dependencies)yarn test:waffle
(see /test/Forwarder.test.js
for how a signed transaction is constructed)
const constructMetaTransfer = async (to, amount, recipientContract, signer) => {
const iface = new utils.Interface(['function transfer(address,uint256)'])
const data = iface.encodeFunctionData('transfer', [to, amount])
const hash = ethers.utils.keccak256(
const signature = await signer.signMessage(utils.arrayify(hash));
return { data, signature };