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Mod Update Server

A server for Minecraft modders that manages all your mod updates. It provides a web interface and REST API to manage everything. This can be used directly for the Forge Update Checker/NeoForge Update Checker.

Useful Links


Method Path Description
GET /mods A list of all mods.
GET /mods/MODNAME A specific mod by its mod ID.
GET /updates?amount=16&page=0 All updates for all mods. Query parameters: amount for the update count per page, page for the page.
GET /updates/MODNAME?amount=16&page=0 All updates for a mod. Query parameters: amount for the update count per page, page for the page.
GET /updates/MODNAME/UPDATE_ID A specific update.
POST /updates/MODNAME Adds a new update. Requires an apikey in the header. See Update.
POST /updates/MODNAME/UPDATE_ID Updates an update.
DELETE /updates/MODNAME/UPDATE_ID Deletes an update. Requires an apikey in the header.
DELETE /mods/MODNAME Deletes a mod. Requires an apikey in the header.
POST /mods/add Adds a new mod. Requires an apikey in the header. See Mod.
POST /mods/edit/MODNAME Edits an existing mod. Requires an apikey in the header. See Mod.
GET /forge/MODNAME The Forge update check format.
GET /check/LOADER/MODNAME A general purpose update check format.
GET /apikeys A list of all API keys.
POST /apikeys/add Adds a new API keys. See ApiKey.
DELETE /apikeys/APIKEY Removes an API keys.

Example Update

  "publishDate": "2023-12-08T14:48:00",
  // The publishing date (used to order the updates).
  "gameVersion": "1.20.4",
  // The game version.
  "modLoader": "forge",
  // The mod loader [forge, neoforge, fabric, quilt]. Default value: "forge".
  "version": "1.0.0",
  // The mod version.
  "updateMessages": [
    "Updated to 1.20.4",
  // The update messages (Changelog etc.).
  "releaseType": "release",
  // The release type [alpha, beta, release]. Default value: "release".
  "tags": [
  // Additional tags e.g. recommended.

Example Mod

  "modID": "examplemod",
  // The mod ID (used to identify the mod)
  "name": "Example Mod",
  // The name of the mod
  "description": "Just an example mod",
  // The mod description
  "websiteURL": "",
  // The URL to the mods website
  "downloadURL": "",
  // The URL to the mods download page
  "issueURL": ""
  // The issue tracker url of this mod

Example ApiKey

  "mods": [
  // The mods that this key has access to ("*" for every mod)


See this.

Development Setup



./gradlew init
./gradlew frontend:yarn

Running the project in development

./gradlew backend:bootRun
./gradlew frontend:dev

The REST API should be available at port 8088 and the web interface is usually available at port 3000 (If not already in use).

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default Value
DB_IP The IP of the PostgreSQL database localhost
DB_PORT The port of the PostgreSQL database 5432
DB_NAME The database name postgres
DB_USER The database username postgres
DB_PASSWORD The database password
PORT The webserver port 8088
MASTER_KEY The master apiKey (e.g. 62387f34-7678-4737-bfc4-2cb600337541)
LOGIN_USERNAME The username for the web UI login admin
LOGIN_PASSWORD The password for the web UI login admin