…of the OSHI working group
- Wikimedia
- Wikifactory
- Fraunhofer IPK
These meeting minutes are omitted due to privacy policies of official project partners. Find them here. Please send a request to mailto:assessmen@oho.wiki so we can share the requested minutes directly to you.
- Wikimedia
- Wikifactory
- Fraunhofer IPK
These meeting minutes are omitted due to privacy policies of official project partners. Find them here. Please send a request to mailto:assessmen@oho.wiki so we can share the requested minutes directly to you.
- Julieta
- Emilio
- Robin
- Moe (minutes)
- Hello, arriving, small talk
- Quick repetition of the scope
- Update: I'll pitch this to OKH this Friday as v2.0 of that standard
- decision about file formats (see the issue)
- → use TOML only for starters & keep it simple
- decision about file name & location convention (see the issue)
- → approved
- Looking onto the scope
and the first draft …
does this all make sense? (see the issue)
- → formulate scope in a much easier way
- who's the end user?
- what's problem it solves?
- → add information about the version of the metadata standard used
- → formulate scope in a much easier way
- Any idea where we can find function (not usage) categories?
I wouldn't like to create a category tree from scratch. No one needs that.
- question for wikidata
- search through wikipedia
- ask IEEE
- Gathering sample data:
- OSH should
- be well/completely documented
- have an active community behind it
- → I'll present these as flagship projects wherever I can
- Who should I contact/approach?
- GOSH forum discussion with docubricks
- DIN SPEC mailing list
- → upload CSV + open issue linking to this CSV so people know where to add projects
- OSH should
- Someone knows someone from Wikidata who's interested in organising OSH in Wikidata?
Would be great to collaborate (also from the OKH side)
- Who should I contact/approach?
- thanks @thessaly ! :) (I won't post the names here for privacy reasons)
- Who should I contact/approach?
- Ciao Cacao & have a nice Thursday
- Robin
- Moe (minutes)
Where exactly is new, own vocabulary ontology necessary and where can I just use workarounds & templates for data input?- → will be checked by Moe in the cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland
How does referencing to other DBs work? as e.g. for function categories defined in Wikidata?- → answered by Wikimedia in a previous meeting
- we'll squash all the data into one Wikibase instance; this makes life a lot easier; maintenance of different ontology modules or subdatasets is still possible
- anyway, wikibase offers special features to query other wikibase instances, even to combine different instances into one query; forgot the specific term; the wikimedia community can provide details :)
- Can we trace different versions of OSH with the given metadata?
(e.g. crawling URL indicates whether or not OSH is a variant
or different version of already existing OSH)
- ✓ yes, yey
- In a query, can we get the file format from a file link?
- ✓ yes, yey
- Looking onto the scope and the first draft … does this all make sense? (see the issue)
- ✓ yes, yey
- cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland
- create initial test data set
- 50…150 items (instances) by the end of CW 27
- create initial test data set
- Julieta
- Robin
- Erik
- Moe (minutes)
forgot to invite: Emilio (sorry, Emilio)
- first draft for DB structure
- various specified DBs with own onthologies, compatible with each other so that queries across different DBs can be performed
- DB for OSH-Modules (target for v1.0 of this wikibase instance)
- = OSH assemblies
- which consist of
- other OSH-Modules
- OSH Components
- standard parts
- proprietary parts
- DB for standard parts (optional target for v1.0)
- ideas for further DBs:
- manufacturers (to enable decentralised production of OSH as manufacturer metadata can be mapped over OSH metadata (tolerances, dimensions, material etc.))
- funding programes (matchmaking between funders and cool projects)
- scientific publications (e.g. in cooperation with Journal of Open Hardware)
- connection to Wikidata (to connect technical documentation with real data :) )
- standards are the backbone of this structure
- technical documentation: DIN SPEC 3105 & TsDC
- metadata: Open Know-How manifest v1.0 (+v2.0 (or hard fork) see below ↓)
- first draft for metadata (and its structure) of OSH hereL <src/spec/okh.md>
- will be pitched to Open Know-How working group
- we will make use of
- guidelines & standard modules for onthologies (thanks @Julieta! 🎉)
- https://www.wbstack.com/ in order to test our onthology approaches
- @Moe sends a short project description and mail addresses of the working group to @Julieta, so…
- @Julieta creates an instance using https://www.wbstack.com/) where we all create accounts, and…
- @Julieta connects us/@Moe to a group of smart people who designed guidelines & standard modules for onthologies (Cristina Sarasua, ETH Zurich)
- @Moe invites everyone to GitHub repo