OpenID-Connect support for the FreePBX UCP with keycloak example based on jumbojett/openid-connect-php
You can use this script to add oidc support to your freepbx user control panel.
The UCP-User to be used must be defined in your openid-provider as an attribute which holds the uid (id not login-name) of the freepbx-user. The name of this attribute can be configured as 'ucpUserAttr'.
Tested with Keycloak but should also work for Google, Apple, Microsoft or Github OIDC.
- Get on your FreePBX via SSH and run:
su asterisk
cd /var/www/html
git clone
- Open up open-index.php and edit open-id configuration:
cd freepbx-ucp-openid
nano freepbx-ucp-openid/openid-index.php
- For final install, run:
chmod +x
- done
- downloads composer.phar
- installs php dependency for openid (jumbojett/openid-connect-php)
- removed /var/www/html/ucp symlink
- moves itself to /var/www/html/ucp
- removes composer.phar
$oidcConfig = [
'mainUrl' => 'http://freepbx.local/ucp',
'issuer' => 'https://<KEYCLOAK-HOST>/realms/master',
'cid' => '<OPENID-CLIENT-ID>',
'secret' => '<OPENID-CLIENT-SECRET>',
'ucpUserAttr' => 'pbx-user',
'customRedirectUrl' => 'http://freepbx.local/ucp'
Dont forget to add an user-attribute named "pbx-user" in the keycloak realm-settings and add it via mappers to the openid scope.
The PHP-Script clones your /etc/freepbx.conf into /var/www/html/ucp/freepbx-cfg-clone.php because the freepbx.conf cannot be included without unwanted output.
To remove just run:
su asterisk
cd /var/www/html
rm -rf ucp
ln -s admin/modules/ucp/htdocs ucp