This projects looks up all Gamestop 9.99€ items from the "Eintauschliste" and queries each item on "Ebay Kleinanzeigen".
You are able to specify:
- Postal code
- Radius away from the area
- Your maximum price
- Age of the ebay post in days
A new game is worth about 60€. So if you can buy two games off ebay for less than this price (+fee) you can reduce the cost of the new game.
Money | Description |
~60€ | New game at Gamestop |
-9.99€ | Gamestop fee |
--- | --- |
-15€ | Game1 on list |
-15€ | Game2 on list |
--- | --- |
~20€ | Savings on a new game |
- Run "mvn clean package"
- Edit
plz=1337 radius=5 maxprice=50 lessthan=10 #verbose=true
- Run
java -jar NineNinetyNine.jar
- Look up results
- $$$ Profit