released this
31 Jan 16:03
534 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix date_past_reference in api.py (#327) @ruthvik-17
- Update requirements for security Vulnerability (#329) @ranvijayj
- Remove SECRET_KEY from settings and move to ENV (#290) @ranvijayj
- NameDetector - Standalone name detection restriction (#335) @ashutoshsingh0223
- Fix name detection test case (#336) @chiragjn
- Develop to Master (#326) @amansrivastava17
📖 Documentation
- Update install.md (#330) @pratikkotian04
💯 Enhancements
- Add dd mm yyyy for hi (#324) @ruthvik-17
- add new version of django upgrade for security (#332) @ranvijayj
- Add .vscode to gitignore (#331) @razasayed
- Allow Text and Name Detectors to process pre-detected values (#328) @ashutoshsingh0223
- Add hindi detection tags for name detection (#334) @ashutoshsingh0223
- Develop to Master (#326) @amansrivastava17