The application is deployed to this url
Simple project to generate the color palette of the current picture of the APOD (A picture of the day) service using NASA's API to retreive the images. The application is deployed using streamlit.
|- src/ # Folder containing all source code
|- img/ # Folder containing images used in the README file
|- src/api/ # File with code to retreive the image using the NASA's API
|- src/api/ # Class with necessary code to extract colors from a image
|- src/image/ # Class to handle all image transformations
|- src/consts/ # Folder containing constanst used inside the project
|- src/consts/ # File with necessary constants
|- src/consts/ # File containing project paths
|- src/ # Script to execute the streamlit application
|- Makefile # Automatize taks through make utility
|- Pipfile # Dependencies
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Setup your environement and install project dependencies.
Clone the project repository:
git clone
Install Depencencies and start environment using Pipenv:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
To run the project locally, it is necessary to use the Makefile, to execute the streamlit use the following command:
make run
To contribute in this project, please setup locally the project following the steps in Getting started section. I use few packages to guarantee high quality code.
- Erika Sánchez Femat (helloerikaaa)