diff --git a/pautas/20231007.md b/pautas/20231007.md index f0381ca..8465cef 100644 --- a/pautas/20231007.md +++ b/pautas/20231007.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Que pode ir parar no próximo programa se não der tempo * [Actively exploited Cisco 0-day with maximum 10 severity gives full network control | Ars Technica - by nwildner](https://arstechnica.com/?p=1976348) * [How TCP's congestion control saved the internet • The Register - by HelioLoureiro](https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/24/tcp_congestion_control_internet/) * [Hackers can force iOS and macOS browsers to divulge passwords and much more | Ars Technica - by ynfbzoen](https://arstechnica.com/security/2023/10/hackers-can-force-ios-and-macos-browsers-to-divulge-passwords-and-a-whole-lot-more/) +* [Linux Foundation Adopting Terraform Fork Provokes Ire of HashiCorp CEO - The New Stack - by HelioLoureiro](https://thenewstack.io/linux-foundation-adopting-terraform-fork-provokes-ire-of-hashicorp-ceo/) Pra fechar