Internot is a super simple localized message board running on the captive network welcome screen running on an ESP32. Inspired by the Walking Signals Wifi Zine Workshop by Dianaband at Hackers&Designers It uses SPIFFS to permanently store the messages.
$ git clone
See How-to below.
- The code is based on the ESP32 Arduino examples.
- LPGL-3.0
- Version 0.1
- Install the ESP32 boards as per
- Install ArduinoJSON (in the IDE by going to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries... > Search arduinoJson > Click install.
- Upload Internot.ino to the ESP32
- Optionally, change the filename of the internot.ssid file to something else (keeping the .ssid extension) to change the network's SSID.
- (If necessary) modify the webpage
- Upload the files to ESP32 by using Tools > ESP32 Sketch Data Upload
- Connect to the new "Internot" wifi network
- Important note: (Re)uploading the HTML files also wipes the stored comments!
- Add escaping/filtering/validation to the input. This just a quick prove of concept, it does no filtering/validation on any of the input. Horrible things will probably happen if you try to input weird characters.