A TypeScript library for programmatic control of remote computers via WebSocket connections. This library provides a robust interface for executing commands, controlling mouse/keyboard input, and capturing screenshots on connected machines.
- WebSocket-based computer control
- Support for multiple action types:
- Bash command execution
- Mouse movement and clicks
- Keyboard input
- Screenshot capture
- File editing capabilities
- Built-in logging system
- Type-safe with Zod schema validation
- Event-driven architecture
This library implements the Model Context Protocol (MCP) specification, allowing for standardized communication between language models and computer control interfaces. Key MCP features include:
- Full compliance with MCP server specifications
- Structured message format for model-computer interactions
- Support for both synchronous and asynchronous operations
- Standardized error handling and status reporting
- Built-in support for context preservation across interactions
The library can connect to any MCP-compliant server, enabling consistent behavior across different model providers and computer control implementations.
npm install @hdr/sdk-preview
import { Computer } from '@hdr/sdk-preview';
// Initialize a new computer connection
const computer = new Computer();
// Connect to the remote computer
await computer.connect();
// Perform a high-level objective
await computer.do('create a file, write a poem and md5 hash it');
// Take a screenshot
const screenshot = await computer.screenshot();
// Execute a bash command
const result = await computer.execute({
tool: 'bash',
params: {
command: 'ls -la',
// Move the mouse and click
await computer.execute({
tool: 'computer',
params: {
action: 'mouse_move',
coordinates: [100, 100],
await computer.execute({
tool: 'computer',
params: {
action: 'left_click',
// Close connection
await computer.close();
- Mouse Operations:
- Move cursor
- Left/right/middle click
- Double click
- Click and drag
- Get cursor position
- Keyboard Operations:
- Type text
- Press specific keys
- Screen Operations:
- Capture screenshots
- View file contents
- Create new files
- Replace text in files
- Insert text at specific lines
- Undo previous edits
Execute arbitrary bash commands on the remote system.
The main class for establishing connections and controlling remote computers.
class Computer extends EventEmitter implements IComputer {
baseUrl: string,
apiKey: string,
options?: Partial<ComputerOptions>
// Core methods
connect(): Promise<void>;
execute(command: Action): Promise<ComputerMessage>;
isConnected(): boolean;
close(): Promise<void>;
screenshot(): Promise<string>;
interface ComputerOptions {
onMessage?: (message: ComputerMessage) => void | Promise<void>;
parseMessage?: (message: MessageEvent) => void | ComputerMessage;
onOpen?: () => void | Promise<void>;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;
onClose?: (code: number, reason: string) => void;
beforeSend?: (data: unknown) => unknown;
The library includes a built-in logging system that captures:
- All commands sent to the remote computer
- All responses received
- Screenshots (when enabled)
- Session information
Logs are stored in the ./computer_logs
directory by default.
The library uses custom error classes and provides detailed error messages. All operations that can fail return promises that should be properly handled with try/catch blocks.
try {
await computer.connect();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to connect:', error.message);
: Your API key for authenticationANTHROPIC_API_KEY
: optional Anthropic key for high-level objective-oriented computer useHDR_WS_URL
: optional URL for computer use socket (defaults to 'wss://api.hdr.is/compute/ephemeral')
- Node.js 20+
- TypeScript 5.7+
- WebSocket-compatible environment
bun install
bun run build
bun test