This project is under current development, check the dev
to see the latest contributions.
To start the server program, execute the following command in the project directory.
python3 -m server <port_number>
This starts up a welcoming socket, which listens for client connections
on the specified port_number
for incoming connections.
To send and read messages, you must execute the client program using the following command.
python3 -m client <server_address> <port_number> <username> <message_type>
Here, server_address
is the IP address of the computer in which the server
program is running on, port_number
is the port number on which the server
program is listening for incoming connections, username
is the name of the
client connecting to the server, and message_type
is the type of request to
send to the server. This can be either create
to send somebody a message,
or read
to receive messages that have been sent to you.
Upon making a Create request, you will be prompted to enter the name of the recipient of your message, and the message you would like to send them.
python3 -m server 12000
python3 -m client localhost 12000 Alice create
Hello John! How are you?
python3 -m client localhost 12000 John read
This project is licenced under the GNU AGPL version 3