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139 lines (110 loc) · 4.33 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (110 loc) · 4.33 KB


Using custom category and lexeme for tokens

import hashes

  TKind = enum # Token category
    tkPunct # first enum value will be used as default


  Tok = object
    case kind: TKind # Token lexeme is a case object
      of tkIdent, tkStrLit, tkPunct:
        strv: string
      of tkIntLit:
        intv: int

func hash(tok: Tok): Hash = # In order to use custom lexeme it must be
                            # hashable
  !$(case tok.kind:
      of tkIntLit: hash(tok.kind) !& hash(tok.intv)
      else: hash(tok.kind) !& hash(tok.strv))

func `==`(l, r: Tok): bool = # and equality comparable
  l.kind == r.kind and (
    case l.kind
      of tkIntLit: l.intv == r.intv
      else: l.strv == r.strv)

# Sequence of key-value pairs, delimited by braces
let input = @[
  Tok(kind: tkPunct, strv: "["),

  # pair
  Tok(kind: tkIdent, strv: "a"),
  Tok(kind: tkPunct, strv: "="),
  Tok(kind: tkStrLit, strv: "000"),

  # comma
  Tok(kind: tkPunct, strv: ","),

  # pair
  Tok(kind: tkIdent, strv: "a"),
  Tok(kind: tkPunct, strv: "="),
  Tok(kind: tkIntLit, intv: 19991),

  Tok(kind: tkPunct, strv: "]"),

# If you plan on using string literals in grammar you need to defined
# expected token constructor for grammar
func makeExpToken(cat: TKind, lex: string): ExpectedToken[TKind, Tok] =
  var tmp = Tok(kind: cat)
  tmp.strv = lex
  makeExpToken(cat, tmp)

var toks = makeKindTokens[Tkind, Tok](input).makeStream()

  initGrammarConst[TKind, Tok](grammar):
    List ::= !"[" & @Elements & !"]"
    Elements ::= KvPair & @*(@(!"," & KvPair))
    KvPair ::= ident & !"=" & (strlit | intlit)

  let parser = newLLStarParser[TKind, Tok, void](grammar)
  let tree = parser.parse(toks)

  echo "\nGenerated parse tree with 'cleanup' tree actions"
  echo tree.treeRepr()

  initGrammarConst[TKind, Tok](grammar):
    List ::= "[" & Elements & "]"
    Elements ::= KvPair & *("," & KvPair)
    KvPair ::= ident & "=" & (strlit | intlit)

  let parser = newLLStarParser[TKind, Tok, void](grammar)
  let tree = parser.parse(toks)

  echo "\nGenerated parse tree without any cleanup"
  echo tree.treeRepr()
{"List": andP(addAction(dslTok("["), taDrop),
             addAction(nt("Elements"), taSpliceDiscard),
             addAction(dslTok("]"), taDrop)), "Elements": andP(nt("KvPair"), addAction(zeroP(addAction(
    andP(addAction(dslTok(","), taDrop), nt("KvPair")), taSpliceDiscard)),
    taSpliceDiscard)), "KvPair": andP(dslTok(tkIdent),
                                    addAction(dslTok("="), taDrop),
                                    orP(dslTok(tkStrlit), dslTok(tkIntlit)))}
{"List": andP(dslTok("["), nt("Elements"), dslTok("]")),
 "Elements": andP(nt("KvPair"), zeroP(andP(dslTok(","), nt("KvPair")))), "KvPair": andP(
    dslTok(tkIdent), dslTok("="), orP(dslTok(tkStrlit), dslTok(tkIntlit)))}

Generated parse tree with 'cleanup' tree actions
+-> List
    +-> KvPair
    |   +-> [tkIdent, '(kind: tkIdent, strv: "a")']
    |   +-> [tkStrLit, '(kind: tkStrLit, strv: "000")']
    +-> KvPair
        +-> [tkIdent, '(kind: tkIdent, strv: "a")']
        +-> [tkIntLit, '(kind: tkIntLit, intv: 19991)']

Generated parse tree without any cleanup
+-> List
    +-> [tkPunct, '(kind: tkPunct, strv: "[")']
    +-> Elements
    |   +-> KvPair
    |   |   +-> [tkIdent, '(kind: tkIdent, strv: "a")']
    |   |   +-> [tkPunct, '(kind: tkPunct, strv: "=")']
    |   |   +-> [tkStrLit, '(kind: tkStrLit, strv: "000")']
    |   +-> [ [ ... ] ]
    |       +-> [ [ ... ] ]
    |           +-> [tkPunct, '(kind: tkPunct, strv: ",")']
    |           +-> KvPair
    |               +-> [tkIdent, '(kind: tkIdent, strv: "a")']
    |               +-> [tkPunct, '(kind: tkPunct, strv: "=")']
    |               +-> [tkIntLit, '(kind: tkIntLit, intv: 19991)']
    +-> [tkPunct, '(kind: tkPunct, strv: "]")']

Tree without cleanup actions contains all elements in the original source code tree - punctuation elements, closing and opening braces, list subtrees ([ [ ... ] ]) from * and concatenation.