This repository contains a dynamic API built with FastAPI that simplifies interactions with MySQL database. The API provides endpoints for connecting to the database, creating, loading, fetching, and deleting tables, and performing CRUD operations on the data.
- Develop a dynamic FastAPI to simplify MySQL database interactions
- Implement secure authentication and role-based access control using OAuth2 and JWT
- Follow best practices for project structure and logging
- Optimize database operations with asynchronous programming using SQLAlchemy and asyncio
- Provide comprehensive API documentation and usage examples
The project consists of the following components:
FastAPI: A Python web framework for building APIs. It serves as the main entry point for the API and handles incoming requests and outgoing responses.
OAuth2 Authentication : The API utilises OAuth2 with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure authentication and authorisation. It implements role-based access control to differentiate between admin and non-admin users.
MySQL Database: The API interacts with a MySQL database for storing and retrieving data. It provides endpoints for creating databases, tables, and performing CRUD operations on the data.
SQLAlchemy: A SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python. It is used to define the database models, establish connections, and perform database operations asynchronously.
Pydantic: A Python library for data validation and settings management using Python type annotations. It is used to define and validate request and response models, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
To access protected endpoints, you need to obtain an access token by providing valid credentials.
POST /register-api-user
: Register a new API user (admin only).POST /get-token
: Obtain an access token by providing API user credentials.
POST /create-database
: Create a new database (admin only).POST /create-db-user
: Create a new database user (admin only).
POST /create-table
: Create a new table in a database (admin only).GET /get-table/{db_name}/{table_name}
: Get data from a table.DELETE /delete-table/{db_name}/{table_name}
: Delete a table from a database (admin only).POST /insert-data
: Insert data into a table (admin only).
The API follows a structured logic flow to handle incoming requests and perform the necessary operations. It includes authentication, permission checks, database operations, and response generation. The logic is separated into two main components: Dependency and Main.
Dependency Logic (for all endpoints):
- Validate the access token and extract the user's username.
- Verify the user's existence and permissions.
Main Logic (for register_api_user
- Confirm the user does not already exist.
- Hash the user's password and create a new API user.
The diagram below illustrates dependency logic flow for all API endpoints and main logic flow for register_api_user
and get-token
For detailed information about request and response formats, refer to the API documentation once locally deployed at http://localhost:8000/docs.
- Python (version 3.12)
- MySQL (version 8.3.0)
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd database-api
Set up Python environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate SSL certificate and key files (cert.pem
and key.pem
) and place them in the project root directory (optional).
Configure environment variables:
- Copy .env_template to .env
- Fill in all required variables in .env
To start the Database API server, run the following command:
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload
The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.