Implementation of BARE encoding in Erlang.
Spec = {struct, [{name, string}, {age, uint}]},
Binary = bare:encode(#{name => "hauleth", age => 28}, Spec),
#{name => <<"hauleth">>, age => 28} = bare:decode(Binary, Spec)
| BARE name | Spec format | Erlang type |
| : | : | : |
| `uint` | `uint` | `non_neg_integer()` |
| `int` | `int` | `integer()` |
| `u8` | `u8` | `non_neg_integer()` |
| `u16` | `u16` | `non_neg_integer()` |
| `u32` | `u32` | `non_neg_integer()` |
| `u64` | `u64` | `non_neg_integer()` |
| `i8` | `i8` | `integer()` |
| `i16` | `i16` | `integer()` |
| `i32` | `i32` | `integer()` |
| `i64` | `i64` | `integer()` |
| `f32` | `f32` | float or `qnan`/`snan`/`infinity`/`neg_infinity` |
| `f64` | `f64` | float or `qnan`/`snan`/`infinity`/`neg_infinity` |
| `string` | `string` | `unicode:chardata()` |
| `data` | `data` | `binary()` |
| `data<N>` | `{data, N}` | `binary()` with `byte_size(Bin) =:= N` |
| `void` | `void` | `[]` (empty list) |
| `enum` | `{enum, [atom(), ...]` | `atom()` that is listed in the spec |
| `optional<type>` | `{optional, Type}` | `undefined` or one of the other types |
| `[size]type` | `{array, Type, Size}` | list of `type` that has exactly `Size` elements |
| `[]type` | `{array, Type}` | list of `type` |
| `map[key]type` | `{map, KeyType, ValueType}` | map in form of `#{KeyType => ValueType}` |
| `(type1 | type2)` | `{union, [Type1, Type2], ...}` | tuple in form of `{Type, Data}` |
| `struct` | `{struct, [{Key, Type}, ...]}` | map |
- Implement compiler for BARE description files