Cache Module in OTP Elixir
This is a practice exercise at the end of Chapter 4 of book The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook
Write a GenServer that can store any valid Elixir term, given a key. Here are a few
operations to get you started:
- Cache.write(:stooges, ["Larry", "Curly", "Moe"])
- Cache.delete(:stooges)
- Cache.clear
- Cache.exist?(:stooges)
Structure your program similar to how you did in this chapter. In particular, pay attention to which of these operations should be handle_calls or handle_cast.
Start Generic Server
# {:ok, #PID<0.155.0>}
write countries & cities lists in state
Cache.write :cities, ["Multan", "Lahore", "Karachi"]
# :ok
Cache.write :countries, ["Pakistan", "Iran", "Turkey", "China"]
# :ok
fetch cities from state :cities
# {:ok, ["Multan", "Lahore", "Karachi"]}
delete cities from state
Cache.delete :cities
# :ok
check is country key exists?
Cache.exists :countries
# true
clear all states
# :ok
now, after clearing state county key is reset.
Cache.exists :countries
# false