This project will guide step by step to build your first FPGA game:
First this is the FPGA board i used: -
Second we need to install on our PC the USB driver for the FPGA: -
Third we need to install the Xilinx program which in my case (Xilinx\14.7 ISE design Suite): -
Then, we need to install the ElbertV2Config.exe: -
I recommended you to get more information about the Elbert V2 board and about the ISE design suite to initialize your first project directory.
A- VGA functionality:
B- The main code:
Code have 4 initial module:
Topmodule: responsible of the declaration of the VGA system (input and output).
U1 - IN_CLOCK_OUT: Take a 12 MHz from the Topmodule and generate a 25 MHz clock as output.
U2 - counter: this counter use 25 MHz as input clock and his output it will be used for the synchronization time of VGA_sync and Topmodule modules.
U3 - VGA_sync: this module responsible of the vertical and horizontal synchronization and for the video output.