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93 lines (54 loc) · 2.33 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (54 loc) · 2.33 KB
  • Build on GHC 9.6.

  • Bifoldable and Bitraversable instances for Of.

    Various documentation fixes.

    Bump mmorph upper bounds: [1.0, 1.2) -> [1.0, 1.3)

  • Add wrapEffect.

    Compatibility with base 4.13.

    Provide a MonadFail instance for Stream.

    Only depend on semigroups on old GHCs.

    Add untilLeft (counterpart to untilRight)

    Add doctests.

    Enable -Wall in cabal file.

    Build with ghc >= 7.10.3.


    Add nubOrd, nubInt, nubOrdOn, nubIntOn.

    Fix performance regression in for.

    Add foldMap and foldMap_.

    Fix the behaviour of slidingWindow 1.

    Reintroduce readFile and writeFile, using plain System.IO instead of ResourceT machinery.

    Add merge, mergeOn, and mergeBy.

    Improve performance of concat.

    Improve performance of (*>), getting rid of the default implementation.

    Generalise type signature of toList_.


    Adding Semigroup instances for GHC 8.4.


    Remove bracketStream, MonadCatch instance, and everything dealing with ResourceT. All of these things of sort of broken for Stream since there is no guarantee of linear consumption (functions like take can prevent finalizers from running). The streaming-with library is recommended to get this kind of behavior.

    Add Semigroup instances for Of and Stream.

    Drop unneeded dependency on exceptions.


    Made zipsWith and allied functions short-circuit; if the first stream is empty, ignore the second one.

    Deprecated mapsExposed and mapsMExposed. These were perfectly safe copies of maps and mapsM with scary names.

    Made the Show and Eq instances for Stream respect the abstraction. In effect, the streams are unexposed before being shown or tested for equality.

    Added Eq1, Ord, Ord1, and Show1 instances for Stream.

    Added Generic, Generic1, Eq1, Ord1, Show1, Eq2, Ord2, and Show2 instances for Of.

    Bump the lower bound on transformers to 0.5.

    Break compatibility with pre-AMP base. Prefer fmap to liftM.


    Added duplicate and store for simultaneous folding.

    Added mapped for the ugly mapsM

    mwrap renamed effect