This page lists commands and examples from the Climate Warehouse RPC API.
Please also see the following related documents:
- CADT installation/configuration guide
- Chia Data Layer CLI reference
- Chia Data Layer RPC API reference
The CADT RPC API is exposed by default on port 31310. This document will give examples to access the RPC API using http://localhost:31310/v1
If using a CADT_API_KEY
append --header 'x-api-key: <your-api-key-here>'
to your curl
- GET Examples
- Show all subscribed projects
- List projects by warehouseprojectid
- List projects by orguid
- Search for projects containing the keyword "forestry"
- List all projects, with paging
- List projects by orguid, with paging
- Search for projects containing the keyword "gold", with paging
- List all projects and save the results to an xlsx file
- Show only the requested columns
- POST Examples
- PUT Examples
- DELETE Examples
- GET Examples
- GET Examples
- List all subscribed units
- Search for units containing the keyword "certification"
- List units by orguid
- Show all units, with paging
- List units by orguid, with paging
- List all units and save the results to an xlsx file
- List units using all available query string options
- Show only specified columns from all units, with paging
- POST Examples
- PUT Examples
- DELETE Examples
- GET Examples
Functionality: Use GET, POST, and PUT to list, create, and update organizations
GET Options: None
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"name":"Org Test",
POST Options:
Key | Type | Description |
name | String | (Required) Name of the organization to be created |
icon | String | (Required) URL of the icon to be used for this organization |
// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Sample Org",
"icon": ""
// Response
"message":"New organization created successfully.",
PUT Options: None
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations/'
// Response
{"message":"Importing and subscribing organization this can take a few mins."}
Functionality: List subscribed projects, as specified by the appropriate URL option(s)
Query string options:
Key | Type | Description |
None (default) | N/A | Display all subscribed projects |
warehouseProjectId | String | Only display subscribed projects matching this warehouseProjectId |
orgUid | String | Only display subscribed projects matching this orgUid |
search | String | Display all subscribed projects that contain the specified query (case insensitive) |
columns | String | Limit the result to the specified column. Can be used multiple times to show multiple columns |
limit | Number | Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2 ) |
page | Number | Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2 ) |
xls | Boolean | If true , save the results to xls (Excel spreadsheet) format |
- In this example, no query string is used. This is the default, which lists all projects
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
"registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
"projectName":"Stop Desertification",
"projectDeveloper":"Dev 2",
"sector":"Fugitive emissions – from fuels (solid, oil and gas)",
"projectType":"Coal Mine Methane",
"coveredByNDC":"Outside NDC",
"methodology":"Substitution of CO2 from fossil or mineral origin by CO2 from biogenic residual sources in the production of inorganic compounds --- Version 3.0",
"geographicIdentifier":"Sample Identifier",
"label":"Sample Label",
"verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
"verificationBody":"Sample Body",
"cobenefit":"Sample Benefit",
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
"registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
"projectName":"Stop Deforestation",
"projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
"sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
"projectType":"Soil Enrichment",
"methodology":"Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams --- Version 6.0.0",
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?warehouseProjectId=51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?search=forestry' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
"registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
"projectName":"Stop Deforestation",
"projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
"sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=2&limit=1' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=2&limit=1&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=1&limit=1&search=gold' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?xls=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > cw_query.xlsx
// Response
The results are saved to a file in the current directory called `cw_query.xlsx`.
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=1&limit=5&columns=warehouseProjectId&columns=currentRegistry&columns=registryOfOrigin&columns=originProjectId&columns=program&columns=projectName' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
"registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
"projectName":"Stop Desertification"
"currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
"registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
"projectName":"Stop Deforestation"
// Request
curl --location --request POST \
-F 'projectId=c9d147e2-bc07-4e68-a76d-43424fa8cd4e' \
-F 'originProjectId=12345-123-123-12345' \
-F 'registryOfOrigin=UNFCCC' \
-F 'projectName=POST sample' \
-F 'projectLink=' \
-F 'projectDeveloper=POST developer' \
-F 'sector=Manufacturing industries' \
-F 'projectType=Conservation' \
-F 'coveredByNDC=Inside NDC' \
-F 'projectStatus=Registered' \
-F 'projectStatusDate=2022-03-12' \
-F 'ndcInformation=Shuffletag' \
-F 'unitMetric=tCO2e' \
-F 'methodology=Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects --- Version 1.0.0' \
// Response
{"message":"Project staged successfully"}
- For this example, we'll use a file named
, created from this example and converted to csv format - The contents of the csv file used in this example are as follows:
f925cb3f-f59a-4ba4-8844-e2a63eb38221,f048f0c4e2ef2d852354a71a0839687301376eeef4358f6204795723ef906bcf,,c9d147e2-bc07-4e68-a76d-43424fa8cd4e,12345-123-123-12345,UNFCCC,,POST sample,,POST developer,Manufacturing industries,Conservation,,Inside NDC,Shuffletag,Registered,2022-03-12T00:00:00.000Z,tCO2e,Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects --- Version 1.0.0,,
// Request
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects/batch' --form 'csv=@"./createProject.csv"'
// Response
{"message":"CSV processing complete, your records have been added to the staging table."}
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"warehouseProjectId": "51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58",
"projectId": "987",
"originProjectId": "555",
"registryOfOrigin": "Verra",
"projectName": "Stop Deforestation",
"projectLink": "",
"projectDeveloper": "Example Developer",
"sector": "Mining/Mineral production",
"projectType": "Afforestation",
"coveredByNDC": "Inside NDC",
"ndcInformation": "Shuffletag",
"projectStatus": "Listed",
"projectStatusDate": "2022-03-19",
"unitMetric": "tCO2e",
"methodology": "Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvements --- Version 2.0"
// Response
{"message":"Project update added to staging"}
- For this example, we'll use a file named
, created from this example and modified with updates
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects/xlsx' --form 'xlsx=@"./cw_query.xlsx"'
// Response
{"message":"Updates from xlsx added to staging"}
// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"warehouseProjectId": "693d37f6-318e-4d8b-9e14-3d2328b569be"
// Response
{"message":"Project deleted successfully"}
Functionality: List subscribed units, as specified by the appropriate URL option(s)
Query string options:
Key | Type | Description |
None (default) | N/A | Display all subscribed units |
orgUid | String | Only display subscribed units matching this orgUid |
search | String | Display all subscribed units that contain the specified query (case insensitive) |
columns | String | Limit the result to the specified column. Can be used multiple times to show multiple columns |
limit | Number | Limit the number of subscribed units to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2 ) |
page | Number | Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2 ) |
xls | Boolean | If true , save the results to xls (Excel spreadsheet) format |
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
"unitType":"Reduction - technical",
"countryJurisdictionOfOwner":"United States of America",
"unitType":"Reduction - nature",
"correspondingAdjustmentStatus":"Not Started",
[todo: This isn't implemented yet. See CW issue 232 for more info]
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?search=Certification'
// Response
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
'localhost:31310/v1/units?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
abbreviated (output is same as above)
abbreviated (output is same as above)
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=2&limit=1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"countryJurisdictionOfOwner":"United States of America",
"unitType":"Reduction - nature",
"correspondingAdjustmentStatus":"Not Started",
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=1&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
"unitType":"Reduction - technical",
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?xls=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > cw_units.xlsx
// Response
The results are saved to a file in the current directory called `cw_query.xlsx`.
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=10&search=Reduction&warehouseUnitId=89d7a102-a5a6-4f80-bc67-d28eba4952f3&columns=all&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9&xls=false' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
"unitType":"Reduction - technical",
// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=1&columns=countryJurisdictionOfOwner&columns=inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner&columns=serialNumberBlock&columns=unitIdentifier&columns=unitType&columns=intentedBuyerOrgUid&columns=marketplace' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"unitType":"Reduction - technical",
// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"projectLocationId": "ID_USA",
"unitOwner": "Chia",
"countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Andorra",
"serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
"serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
"vintageYear": 1998,
"unitType": "Removal - technical",
"unitStatus": "For Sale",
"unitRegistryLink": "",
"correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
"correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started"
// Response
{"message":"Unit staged successfully"}
This unit will have two labels, one pre-existing (using the "id" and "warehouseProjectId" fields), and one new. The issuance is pre-existing.
// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"projectLocationId": "USA-M",
"unitOwner": "Chia",
"countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Venezuela",
"inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Venezuela",
"serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
"serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
"vintageYear": 1998,
"unitType": "Removal - nature",
"marketplace": "MP Test",
"marketplaceLink": "",
"marketplaceIdentifier": "ADIV223",
"unitTags": "TEST_TAG",
"unitStatus": "For Sale",
"unitStatusReason": "reason",
"unitRegistryLink": "",
"correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
"correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started",
"issuance": {
"verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
"verificationBody":"Sample Body"
"labels": [
"label":"Sample Label",
"id": "dcacd68e-1cfb-4f06-9798-efa0aacda42c",
"warehouseProjectId": "9b9bb857-c71b-4649-b805-a289db27dc1c",
"label": "mclaren1",
"labelType": "Certification",
"creditingPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
"creditingPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
"validityPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
"validityPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
"unitQuantity": "10",
"labelLink": ""
// Response
{"message":"Unit staged successfully"}
[todo: This command isn't working yet. See CW issue 387 for more info.]
// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/units/split' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"warehouseUnitId": "9a5def49-7af6-428a-9958-a1e88d74bf58",
"records": [
"unitCount": 10,
"unitOwner": "New Owner 1"
"unitCount": 5,
"unitOwner": "New Owner 2"
"unitCount": 22,
"unitOwner": "New Owner 3"
"unitCount": 13,
"unitOwner": "New Owner 4"
// Response
- Note that
must already exist
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"warehouseUnitId": "9a5def49-7af6-428a-9958-a1e88d74bf58",
"projectLocationId": "Brand New Location",
"unitOwner": "New Owner",
"countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Vanuatu",
"serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
"serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
"vintageYear": 2002,
"unitType": "Removal - technical",
"unitStatus": "For Sale",
"unitRegistryLink": "",
"correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
"correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started"
// Response
{"message":"Unit update added to staging"}
- Note that it's possible to construct an xlsx file for this purpose using this example
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/units/xlsx' \
--form 'xlsx=@"cw_units.xlsx"'
// Response
{"message":"Updates from xlsx added to staging"}
// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"warehouseUnitId": "104b082c-b112-4c39-9249-a52c6c53282b"
// Response
{"message":"Unit deleted successfully"}
Functionality: List all issuances from subscribed projects
Options: None
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/issuances' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
"verificationBody":"Sample Body",
Functionality: List all labels from subscribed projects
Options: None
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/labels' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"label":"Sample Label",
Functionality: List, modify, confirm, and cancel projects and units in the STAGING
Key | Type | Description |
None (default) | N/A | Display all projects and units that are currently in STAGING |
type | String | Must be projects or units |
limit | Number | Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2 ) |
page | Number | Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2 ) |
- For this example, there is one project with a
action, one project with anINSERT
action, and one unit with anINSERT
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
"projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
"ndcInformation":"Outside NDC",
"projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
"ndcInformation":"Outside NDC",
"unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
"unitType":"Reduction - technical",
[todo: This call doesn't work yet. see CW issue 389 for more info.]
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/staging?page=1&limit=5&type=units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
- Note that it is not possible to commit projects or units individually. If you need to commit a single project or unit, then stage and commit it before staging anything new.
// Request
curl --location --request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
// Response
{"message":"Staging Table committed to full node"}
// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/retry' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"uuid": "86c1cd01-0c07-4f02-9a29-490be967ca6c"
// Response
{"message":"Staging record re-staged."}
// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/clean' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
{"message":"Staging Data Cleaned"}
// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"uuid": "1647855c-c1fa-4f5b-ae8e-bd9d544442ea"
// Response
{"message":"Deleted from stage"}
// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"uuid": "1936260d-632c-4d63-8cba-0014e7c84c0c"
// Response
{"message":"Deleted from stage"}
Functionality: Show the complete history of an organization
Key | Type | Description |
orgUid | String | (Required) Display subscribed projects matching this orgUid |
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/audit?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
\"currentRegistry\":\"Gold Standard\",
\"registryOfOrigin\":\"Gold Standard\",
\"projectName\":\"Stop Deforestation\",
\"projectDeveloper\":\"Example Developer\",
\"sector\":\"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)\",
\"projectType\":\"Soil Enrichment\",
\"methodology\":\"Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams --- Version 6.0.0\",
abbreviated (output continues in order of ID)