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File metadata and controls

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This page lists commands and examples from the Climate Warehouse RPC API.

Please also see the following related documents:

The CADT RPC API is exposed by default on port 31310. This document will give examples to access the RPC API using http://localhost:31310/v1.

If using a CADT_API_KEY append --header 'x-api-key: <your-api-key-here>' to your curl request.




Functionality: Use GET, POST, and PUT to list, create, and update organizations

GET Options: None

GET Examples

List all subscribed organizations

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
        "name":"Org Test",

POST Options:

Key Type Description
name String (Required) Name of the organization to be created
icon String (Required) URL of the icon to be used for this organization

POST Examples

Create an organization

// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations/' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
        "name": "Sample Org",
        "icon": ""

// Response
  "message":"New organization created successfully.",

PUT Options: None

PUT Examples

Subscribe to an organization

// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/organizations/'

// Response
{"message":"Importing and subscribing organization this can take a few mins."}


Functionality: List subscribed projects, as specified by the appropriate URL option(s)

Query string options:

Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Display all subscribed projects
warehouseProjectId String Only display subscribed projects matching this warehouseProjectId
orgUid String Only display subscribed projects matching this orgUid
search String Display all subscribed projects that contain the specified query (case insensitive)
columns String Limit the result to the specified column. Can be used multiple times to show multiple columns
limit Number Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page Number Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
xls Boolean If true, save the results to xls (Excel spreadsheet) format

GET Examples

Show all subscribed projects

  • In this example, no query string is used. This is the default, which lists all projects
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
    "registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
    "projectName":"Stop Desertification",
    "projectDeveloper":"Dev 2",
    "sector":"Fugitive emissions – from fuels (solid, oil and gas)",
    "projectType":"Coal Mine Methane",
    "coveredByNDC":"Outside NDC",
    "methodology":"Substitution of CO2 from fossil or mineral origin by CO2 from biogenic residual sources in the production of inorganic compounds --- Version 3.0",
        "geographicIdentifier":"Sample Identifier",
        "label":"Sample Label",
        "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
        "verificationBody":"Sample Body",
        "cobenefit":"Sample Benefit",
    "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
    "registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
    "projectName":"Stop Deforestation",
    "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
    "sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
    "projectType":"Soil Enrichment",
    "methodology":"Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams --- Version 6.0.0",

List projects by warehouseProjectId

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?warehouseProjectId=51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
    abbreviated (output is same as above)

List projects by orgUid

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
    abbreviated (output is same as above)
    "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
    abbreviated (output is same as above)

Search for projects containing the keyword "forestry"

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?search=forestry' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
    "registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
    "projectName":"Stop Deforestation",
    "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
    "sector":"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)",
    abbreviated (output is same as above)

List all projects, with paging

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=2&limit=1' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
        "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
        abbreviated (output is same as above)

List projects by orgUid, with paging

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=2&limit=1&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
        "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
        abbreviated (output is same as above)

Search for projects containing the keyword "gold", with paging

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=1&limit=1&search=gold' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response

    "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
    abbreviated (output is same as above)

List all projects and save the results to an xlsx file

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/projects?xls=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > cw_query.xlsx

// Response
The results are saved to a file in the current directory called `cw_query.xlsx`.

Show only the requested columns

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects?page=1&limit=5&columns=warehouseProjectId&columns=currentRegistry&columns=registryOfOrigin&columns=originProjectId&columns=program&columns=projectName' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "currentRegistry":"Climate Action Reserve (CAR)",
    "registryOfOrigin":"Sweden National Registry",
    "projectName":"Stop Desertification"
    "currentRegistry":"Gold Standard",
    "registryOfOrigin":"Gold Standard",
    "projectName":"Stop Deforestation"

POST Examples

Stage a new project with the minimum required fields

// Request
curl --location --request POST \
     -F 'projectId=c9d147e2-bc07-4e68-a76d-43424fa8cd4e' \
     -F 'originProjectId=12345-123-123-12345' \
     -F 'registryOfOrigin=UNFCCC' \
     -F 'projectName=POST sample' \
     -F 'projectLink=' \
     -F 'projectDeveloper=POST developer' \
     -F 'sector=Manufacturing industries' \
     -F 'projectType=Conservation' \
     -F 'coveredByNDC=Inside NDC' \
     -F 'projectStatus=Registered' \
     -F 'projectStatusDate=2022-03-12' \
     -F 'ndcInformation=Shuffletag' \
     -F 'unitMetric=tCO2e' \
     -F 'methodology=Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects --- Version 1.0.0' \

// Response
{"message":"Project staged successfully"}

Stage a new project from a csv file

  • For this example, we'll use a file named createProject.csv, created from this example and converted to csv format
  • The contents of the csv file used in this example are as follows:
f925cb3f-f59a-4ba4-8844-e2a63eb38221,f048f0c4e2ef2d852354a71a0839687301376eeef4358f6204795723ef906bcf,,c9d147e2-bc07-4e68-a76d-43424fa8cd4e,12345-123-123-12345,UNFCCC,,POST sample,,POST developer,Manufacturing industries,Conservation,,Inside NDC,Shuffletag,Registered,2022-03-12T00:00:00.000Z,tCO2e,Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects --- Version 1.0.0,,

// Request
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects/batch' --form 'csv=@"./createProject.csv"'

// Response
{"message":"CSV processing complete, your records have been added to the staging table."}

PUT Examples

Update a pre-existing project using only the required parameters

// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseProjectId": "51ca9638-22b0-4e14-ae7a-c09d23b37b58",
    "projectId": "987",
    "originProjectId": "555",
    "registryOfOrigin": "Verra",
    "projectName": "Stop Deforestation",
    "projectLink": "",
    "projectDeveloper": "Example Developer",
    "sector": "Mining/Mineral production",
    "projectType": "Afforestation",
    "coveredByNDC": "Inside NDC",
    "ndcInformation": "Shuffletag",
    "projectStatus": "Listed",
    "projectStatusDate": "2022-03-19",
    "unitMetric": "tCO2e",
    "methodology": "Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvements --- Version 2.0"

// Response
{"message":"Project update added to staging"}

Update a pre-existing project from an xlsx file

  • For this example, we'll use a file named cw_query.xlsx, created from this example and modified with updates
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects/xlsx' --form 'xlsx=@"./cw_query.xlsx"'

// Response
{"message":"Updates from xlsx added to staging"}

DELETE Examples

Delete a project

// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'http://localhost:31310/v1/projects' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseProjectId": "693d37f6-318e-4d8b-9e14-3d2328b569be"

// Response
{"message":"Project deleted successfully"}


Functionality: List subscribed units, as specified by the appropriate URL option(s)

Query string options:

Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Display all subscribed units
orgUid String Only display subscribed units matching this orgUid
search String Display all subscribed units that contain the specified query (case insensitive)
columns String Limit the result to the specified column. Can be used multiple times to show multiple columns
limit Number Limit the number of subscribed units to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page Number Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
xls Boolean If true, save the results to xls (Excel spreadsheet) format

GET Examples

List all subscribed units

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
  "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
  "unitType":"Reduction - technical",
  "countryJurisdictionOfOwner":"United States of America",
  "unitType":"Reduction - nature",
  "correspondingAdjustmentStatus":"Not Started",

Search for units containing the keyword "certification"

[todo: This isn't implemented yet. See CW issue 232 for more info]

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?search=Certification'

// Response

List units by orgUid

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
     'localhost:31310/v1/units?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
  abbreviated (output is same as above)
  abbreviated (output is same as above)

Show all units, with paging

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
     'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=2&limit=1' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "countryJurisdictionOfOwner":"United States of America",
    "unitType":"Reduction - nature",
    "correspondingAdjustmentStatus":"Not Started",

List units by orgUid, with paging

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
     'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=1&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
    "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

List all units and save the results to an xlsx file

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?xls=true' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' > cw_units.xlsx

// Response
The results are saved to a file in the current directory called `cw_query.xlsx`.

List units using all available query string options

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=10&search=Reduction&warehouseUnitId=89d7a102-a5a6-4f80-bc67-d28eba4952f3&columns=all&orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9&xls=false' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
  "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
  "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

Show only specified columns from all units, with paging

// Request
curl --location -g --request GET \
    'localhost:31310/v1/units?page=1&limit=1&columns=countryJurisdictionOfOwner&columns=inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner&columns=serialNumberBlock&columns=unitIdentifier&columns=unitType&columns=intentedBuyerOrgUid&columns=marketplace' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

POST Examples

Create a new unit using only the required fields

// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
       "projectLocationId": "ID_USA",
       "unitOwner": "Chia",
       "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Andorra",
       "serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
       "serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
       "vintageYear": 1998,
       "unitType": "Removal - technical",
       "unitStatus": "For Sale",
       "unitRegistryLink": "",
       "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
       "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started"

// Response
{"message":"Unit staged successfully"}

Create a new unit, with pre-existing issuance and labels

This unit will have two labels, one pre-existing (using the "id" and "warehouseProjectId" fields), and one new. The issuance is pre-existing.

// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "projectLocationId": "USA-M",
    "unitOwner": "Chia",
    "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Venezuela",
    "inCountryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Venezuela",
    "serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
    "serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
    "vintageYear": 1998,
    "unitType": "Removal - nature",
    "marketplace": "MP Test",
    "marketplaceLink": "",
    "marketplaceIdentifier": "ADIV223",
    "unitTags": "TEST_TAG",
    "unitStatus": "For Sale",
    "unitStatusReason": "reason",
    "unitRegistryLink": "",
    "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
    "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started",
    "issuance": {
        "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
        "verificationBody":"Sample Body"
    "labels": [
            "label":"Sample Label",
            "id": "dcacd68e-1cfb-4f06-9798-efa0aacda42c",
            "warehouseProjectId": "9b9bb857-c71b-4649-b805-a289db27dc1c",
            "label": "mclaren1",
            "labelType": "Certification",
            "creditingPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
            "creditingPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
            "validityPeriodStartDate": "2022-02-03",
            "validityPeriodEndDate": "2022-03-04",
            "unitQuantity": "10",
            "labelLink": ""

// Response
{"message":"Unit staged successfully"}

Split units in four

[todo: This command isn't working yet. See CW issue 387 for more info.]

// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/units/split' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseUnitId": "9a5def49-7af6-428a-9958-a1e88d74bf58",
    "records": [
            "unitCount": 10,
            "unitOwner": "New Owner 1"
            "unitCount": 5,
            "unitOwner": "New Owner 2"
            "unitCount": 22,
            "unitOwner": "New Owner 3"
            "unitCount": 13,
            "unitOwner": "New Owner 4"

// Response

PUT Examples

Update a pre-existing unit using only the required parameters

  • Note that warehouseUnitId must already exist
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "warehouseUnitId": "9a5def49-7af6-428a-9958-a1e88d74bf58",
    "projectLocationId": "Brand New Location",
    "unitOwner": "New Owner",
    "countryJurisdictionOfOwner": "Vanuatu",
    "serialNumberBlock": "QWERTY9800-ASDFGH9850",
    "serialNumberPattern": "[.*\\D]+([0-9]+)+[-][.*\\D]+([0-9]+)$",
    "vintageYear": 2002,
    "unitType": "Removal - technical",
    "unitStatus": "For Sale",
    "unitRegistryLink": "",
    "correspondingAdjustmentDeclaration": "Unknown",
    "correspondingAdjustmentStatus": "Not Started"

// Response
{"message":"Unit update added to staging"}

Update a pre-existing unit using an xlsx file

  • Note that it's possible to construct an xlsx file for this purpose using this example
// Request
curl --location -g --request PUT 'localhost:31310/v1/units/xlsx' \
--form 'xlsx=@"cw_units.xlsx"'

// Response
{"message":"Updates from xlsx added to staging"}

DELETE Examples

Delete a unit

// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/units' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
       "warehouseUnitId": "104b082c-b112-4c39-9249-a52c6c53282b"

// Response
{"message":"Unit deleted successfully"}


Functionality: List all issuances from subscribed projects

Options: None

GET Examples

List all issuances from subscribed projects

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/issuances' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
  "verificationApproach":"Sample Approach",
  "verificationBody":"Sample Body",


Functionality: List all labels from subscribed projects

Options: None

GET Examples

List all labels from subscribed projects

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/labels' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
  "label":"Sample Label",


Functionality: List, modify, confirm, and cancel projects and units in the STAGING state


Key Type Description
None (default) N/A Display all projects and units that are currently in STAGING
type String Must be projects or units
limit Number Limit the number of subscribed projects to be displayed (must be used with page, eg ?page=5&limit=2)
page Number Only display results from this page number (must be used with limit, eg ?page=5&limit=2)

GET Examples

List all projects and units in STAGING

  • For this example, there is one project with a DELETE action, one project with an INSERT action, and one unit with an INSERT action:
// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
      "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
      "ndcInformation":"Outside NDC",
      "projectDeveloper":"Example Developer",
      "ndcInformation":"Outside NDC",
      "unitOwner":"Sample Owner",
      "unitType":"Reduction - technical",

List all units in STAGING, with paging

[todo: This call doesn't work yet. see CW issue 389 for more info.]

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/staging?page=1&limit=5&type=units' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response

POST Examples

Commit all projects and units in STAGING

  • Note that it is not possible to commit projects or units individually. If you need to commit a single project or unit, then stage and commit it before staging anything new.
// Request
curl --location --request POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

// Response
{"message":"Staging Table committed to full node"}

Retry committing a single project, using its uuid:

// Request
curl --location -g --request POST 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/retry' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uuid": "86c1cd01-0c07-4f02-9a29-490be967ca6c"

// Response
{"message":"Staging record re-staged."}

DELETE Examples

Delete all projects and units in STAGING:

// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging/clean' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
// Response
{"message":"Staging Data Cleaned"}

Delete a specific project in STAGING:

// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uuid": "1647855c-c1fa-4f5b-ae8e-bd9d544442ea"
// Response
{"message":"Deleted from stage"}

Delete a specific unit in STAGING:

// Request
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'localhost:31310/v1/staging' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "uuid": "1936260d-632c-4d63-8cba-0014e7c84c0c"
// Response
{"message":"Deleted from stage"}


Functionality: Show the complete history of an organization


Key Type Description
orgUid String (Required) Display subscribed projects matching this orgUid

GET Examples

Show the complete history of an organization

// Request
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:31310/v1/audit?orgUid=77641db780adc6c74f1ff357804e26a799e4a09157f426aac588963a39bdb2d9' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

// Response
    \"currentRegistry\":\"Gold Standard\",
    \"registryOfOrigin\":\"Gold Standard\",
    \"projectName\":\"Stop Deforestation\",
    \"projectDeveloper\":\"Example Developer\",
    \"sector\":\"Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)\",
    \"projectType\":\"Soil Enrichment\",
    \"methodology\":\"Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams --- Version 6.0.0\",
  abbreviated (output continues in order of ID)