Code Completer is an add-on that allows you to use blender console autocomplete in a text editor with a VSCode-style user interface and suggestions for each text input.
- Auto imports modules in the script for code suggestion.
- Auto Analyze code for intellisense
- Customizable UI
- Provide suggestion on each text input
Ui Update:
Code Completion of modules:
Auto Analyze Lines of code for completion:
Note :Analysis of nested code is not supported yet
Quick Off toggle :
Toggle Auto Import :
Toggle Internal Attributes :
- text_highlight_occurrences addon by kaio
- Similar addon Intellisense_for_Blender_Text_Editor by Mackraken, Jose Conseco and Tintwotin
- Droped the need for python console window for completion
- Auto Analyze the lines of code in editor for completion
- Scrollbar support
- Added ability to change text color
- Toggle privates
- First Release