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harunalbayrak authored Mar 2, 2021
1 parent bb61a4b commit b1e6842
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,191 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added HW1/171044014_Harun_Albayrak_HW1.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added HW1/Assignment1.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added HW2/Assignment2.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added HW2/Report_hw2.pdf
Binary file not shown.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions HW2/hw2.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
getArraySizeText: .asciiz "Please enter the array size: \n"
getNumText: .asciiz "Please enter the target number: \n"
getArrayNumbersText: .asciiz "Please enter elements of the array: \n"
functionCalledText: .asciiz "Number of function calls: "
possibleText: .asciiz "\nPossible!\n"
notPossibleText: .asciiz "\nNot Possible!\n"
newline: .asciiz "\n"
Array: .word 100 # int array[MAX_SIZE=100]

# Get ArraySize
# cin >> arraySize;
la $a0, getArraySizeText # $a0 = "Please enter the array size: \n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
jal getNum # get number and load $v0
move $s0, $v0 # move $v0 to $s0

# Get num
# cin >> num;
la $a0, getNumText # $a0 = "Please enter the target number: \n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
jal getNum # get number and load $v0
move $s1, $v0 # move $v0 to $s1

# Get elements of the array
# for(int i=0;i<arraySize;++i){ cin >> arr[i]; }
move $s2, $zero # i = 0;
move $s3, $zero # index
slt $t0, $s2, $s0 # if i >= arraySize, then $t0 = 0
beq $t0, $zero, exit1 # if i >= arraySize, then go to exit1
la $a0, getArrayNumbersText # $a0 = "Please enter elements of the array: \n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
jal getNum # get number and load $v0
sw $v0, Array($s3) # move $v0 to array[$s3]
addi $s3, $s3, 4 # $s3 = $s3 + 4
addi $s2, $s2, 1 # $s2 = $s2 + 1
j for1 # jump for1

move $a0, $s0 # $a0 = arraySize
move $a1, $s1 # $a1 = targetNumber
move $a2, $zero # $a2 = number of function call
jal checkSumPossibility # call the checkSumPossibility procedure

beq $v0, 0, notPossible # if $v0 = 0, then go to notPossible label
la $a0, possibleText # $a0 = "\nPossible\n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
la $a0, functionCalledText # $a0 = "Number of function calls: "
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
move $a0,$a2 # $a0 = number of function calls
jal printNum # print num in the $a0
la $a0, newline # $a0 = "\n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
j exit # call the exit procedure

la $a0, notPossibleText # $a0 = "\nNot Possible\n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
la $a0, functionCalledText # $a0 = "Number of function calls: "
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
move $a0,$a2 # $a0 = number of function calls
jal printNum # print num in the $a0
la $a0, newline # $a0 = "\n"
jal printStr # print string in the $a0
j exit # call the exit procedure

# Procedure getting number
li $v0, 5 # $v0 = 5
syscall # call the read_int (because $v0 = 5)
jr $ra # return

# Procedure printing number
li $v0, 1 # $v0 = 1
syscall # call the print_int (because $v0 = 1)
jr $ra # return

# Procedure printing string
li $v0, 4 # $v0 = 4
syscall # call the print_string (because $v0 = 4)
jr $ra # return

# Procedure exit
li $v0, 10 # $v0 = 10
syscall # call the exit (because $v0 = 10)
jr $ra # return

# Procedure CheckSumPossibility
addi $sp, $sp, -12 # allocate 12 bytes
sw $a0, 0($sp) # save arraySize
sw $a1, 4($sp) # save target number
sw $ra, 8($sp) # save ra register

# Base Case
beq $a0, $zero, recursive_exit2 # if size == 0, then go to exit2
blt $a1, $zero, recursive_exit2 # if num < 0, then go to exit2
beq $a1, $zero, recursive_exit3 # if num == 0, then go to exit3

addi $a2, $a2, 1 # Function call counter

# Recursive Step 1
sll $s0, $a0, 2 # $s0 = $a0(size)*4
addi $s0, $s0, -4 # $s0 = $s0 - 4
lw $s1, Array($s0) # $s1 = array[size-1]
sub $s1, $zero, $s1 # $s1 = -array[size-1]
add $a1, $a1, $s1 # num = num-arr[size-1]
addi $a0, $a0, -1 # size = size-1
jal checkSumPossibility # recursive call
lw $a0, 0($sp) # restore the saved size
lw $a1, 4($sp) # restore the saved target number
move $t0, $v0 # x = returned value(0 or 1)
beq $t0, 1, recursive_exit3 # if x == 1, return 1

# Recursive Step 2
addi $a0, $a0, -1 # size = size-1
jal checkSumPossibility # recursive call
lw $a0, 0($sp) # restore the saved size
move $t1, $v0 # y = returned value(0 or 1)
beq $t1, 1, recursive_exit3 # if y == 1, return 1

or $v0, $t0, $t1 # z = x || y
j recursive_exit # go to recursive_exit

or $v0, $t0, $t1 # $v0 = x || y
lw $a0, 0($sp) # restore the saved size
lw $a1, 4($sp) # restore the saved target number
lw $ra, 8($sp) # restore the saved ra register
addi $sp, $sp, 12 # deallocate 12 bytes
jr $ra # return x || y

or $v0, $t0, $t1 # $v0 = x || y
lw $a0, 0($sp) # restore the saved size
lw $a1, 4($sp) # restore the saved target number
lw $ra, 8($sp) # restore the saved ra register
addi $sp, $sp, 12 # deallocate 12 bytes
jr $ra # return x || y

li $v0, 1 # $v0 = 1
lw $a0, 0($sp) # restore the saved size
lw $a1, 4($sp) # restore the saved target number
lw $ra, 8($sp) # restore the saved ra register
addi $sp, $sp, 12 # deallocate 12 bytes
jr $ra # return 1
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions HW2/hw2.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int MAX_SIZE = 100;
int function_calls = 0;

int CheckSumPossibility(int num, int arr[], int size);

int main(){
int arraySize;
int arr[MAX_SIZE];
int num;
int returnVal;

cout << "Please enter the array size: " << endl;
cin >> arraySize;

cout << "Please enter the target number: " << endl;
cin >> num;

for(int i=0;i<arraySize;++i){
cout << "Please enter elements of the array: " << endl;
cin >> arr[i];

returnVal = CheckSumPossibility(num,arr,arraySize);

if(returnVal == 1){
cout << "\nPossible!\n";
} else {
cout << "\nNot Possible!\n";

cout << "Number of function calls: " << function_calls << endl;

return 0;

int CheckSumPossibility(int num, int arr[], int size){
if(size == 0)
return 0;
if(num < 0)
return 0;
if(num == 0)
return 1;


int newSize = size - 1;
int newNumber = num-arr[size-1];
int x = CheckSumPossibility(newNumber,arr,newSize);
if(x == 1){
return 1;

newSize = size - 1;
int y = CheckSumPossibility(num,arr,newSize);
if(y == 1){
return 1;

return x || y;
Binary file added HW3/Assignment3.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added HW3/Lecture5.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added HW3/Report_hw3.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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