The application showcases various features of Spring Boot and Thymeleaf, providing dynamic web page generation and user authentication.
The BlogApp project, developed during the course, stands as a testament to my newfound skills in Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. Some of its highlights include:
- User-friendly blog application interface using Bootstrap CSS and Thymeleaf MVC.
- Implementation of two roles, ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_GUEST, to manage posts and comments.
- Configuring a Many-to-Many relationship between USERS and ROLES using a joining table (user_roles).
- Establishing a one-to-many relationship between posts and comments for user interaction.
- Integration of CKEditor 5 for multimedia-rich content creation.
- Utilization of @Validation for form handling, ensuring data input adheres to specified rules and constraints for a more robust and secure application.
- Enabling secure user authentication and authorization using Spring Security, granting access to specific endpoints based on user roles.

Note: The ROLE_ADMIN user has the access to delete/update/view any ROLE_GUEST users comments and posts.