iOSProficiencyExercise is the auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating with lazy image loading.
Earliest tested and supported build and deployment target - iOS 7.0. Latest tested and supported build and deployment target - iOS 9.0.
#Library Used
AFNetworking is a delightful networking library for iOS.
PureLayout provides a fully capable and developer-friendly interface/wrapper for Auto Layout.
SDWebImage An UIImageView category adding web image and cache management to the Cocoa Touch framework
CCBottomRefreshControl Category for UIScrollView class, that adds bottomRefreshControl property, that could be assigned to UIRefreshControl class instance. It implements an ability to add native iOS bottom pull-up/Down to refresh control to UITableView or UICollectionView
Reachability This is a drop-in replacement for Apple's Reachability class. It is ARC-compatible, and it uses the new GCD methods to notify of network interface changes whether device is connected to network or not.
Just clone/Download project on MAC. No need to run Pod install to avoid any conflicts. This is for just testign, on live environment all pods will be added in .gitignore. So developer need to run pod install.