We rank participants based on 4 different but inter-related benchmarks:
- One based on recall/average precision
- One based on throughput
- One based on power consumption
- One based on hardware cost
We maintain two sets of leaderboards that rank participants on all benchmarks:
- Leaderboards based on a public query dataset in which participants had access during the competition.
- Leaderboards based on a private query dataet in which submissions are currently being evaluated.
Please consult the main T3 track README for more details about benchmarks and ranking methodology.
The leaderboards and rankings on the public dataset set lives here.
We would like to congratulate all the winners of this part of the competition, teams from Intel and NVidia:
- Sourabh Dongaonkar (Intel Corporate)
- Mariano Tepper (Intel Labs)
- Yong Wong (NVidia)
- Akira Naruse (NVidia)
- Jingrong Zhang (NVidia)
- Mahesh Doijade (NVidia)
We are in the process of resolving the remaining issues and tasks.
Upon completion, we will make the rankings and winners official.
Please revisit this page again soon for more updates.
The status of the leaderboards and rankings on the private dataset lives here.
All submissions are currently being evaluated using the private data sets so the scores (and rankings) could change as evaluation proceeds
Please revisit this page again soon for more updates.