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a vue plugin for image upload and crop ( Support 📱 IE9+)

if you use vue.js(<=2.0), you should go here.Or select 1.x.x version.


npm i vue-core-image-upload --save

Code Example (ES6)

import VueCoreImageUpload  from './vue.core.image.upload.vue';

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {
    'vue-core-image-upload': VueCoreImageUpload
  data: {
    src: '',
  methods: {
     imageuploaded(res) {
      if (res.errcode == 0) {
        this.src = '';

Use CDN Script(ES5)

// include the script ./node_modules/vue-core-image-upload/index.js
<script src=""></script>
    var MyComponent = Vue.extend(VueCoreImageUpload);
    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      components: {
        'vue-core-image-upload': MyComponent
      data: {
        src: '',
      methods: {
        imageuploaded: function(res) {
          if (res.errcode == 0) {
            this.src = '';

<vue-core-image-upload v-bind:class="['pure-button','pure-button-primary','js-btn-crop']" v-bind:crop="false" url="./crop.php" extensions="png,gif,jpeg,jpg"></vue-core-image-upload>

[Demo] (


Props Type Example Description
url String '/crop.php' your server url
text String 'Upload Image' the text you want to show
inputOfFile String 'file' upload file form name
extensions String 'png,jpg,gif' limit the file type
crop Boolean true if need crop image
cropRatio String '1:1' limit the cropped image shape
cropBtn Object {ok:'Save','cancel':'Give Up'} the text of crop button
maxFileSize Number 10485760(10M) limit the file size
maxWidth Number 150 limit the width of your image you cropped
maxheight Number 150 limit the height of your image you cropped
inputAccept string 'image/*' / 'image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/png' the image file of accept type
isXhr Boolean true cancel default xhr uploading
headers Object {auth: xxxxx} the http header to send server

$dispatch, events

//finish image uload
imageuploaded(res) {
  if (res.errcode == 0) {
    this.src = '';

// return file object
imagechanged(res) {

// uploading image
imageuploading(res) {'uploading');

// handle some error like ajax not working
errorhandle(err) {

Server Crop Arguments

If you crop a image , your crop will send a request to your server with some crop arguments;

  • toCropImgX: the distance of cropbox to the image left;
  • toCropImgY: the distance of cropbox to the image top
  • toCropImgW: the width of cropbox
  • toCropImgH: the height of cropbox
  • maxWidth: the maxium width of your target image
  • maxHeight: the maxium height of your target image If you want to change the crop window style , you should write your own css files.

MIT Liscense


a vue plugin for image to crop and upload






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