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Landon edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 3 revisions

Ansible Learning and Knowledge Transfer Resources

Getting Started

  1. Download Tower
  1. Choose your flavor of virtualization. I use VirtualBox:
  1. Download a RHEL install DVD and provision a server configured with only packages. NO GUI!
  1. SSH and login to your new RHEL system. Register RHEL, attach a valid subscription, refresh the YUM cache, and then install Ansible and Git:
subscription-manager register --username={{ rhn_username }} --password={{ rhn_password }}
subscription-manager attach
subscription-manager repos --enable ansible-2.10-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
subscription-manager refresh

yum -v clean expire-cache metadata
yum clean all
yum repolist
yum install git ansible -y

This repo will prep a RHEL 7/8 OS, and then download, install, and configure Tower with a an org and users, project, inventory, and credential before finally kicking off a fact collection job:

  1. Download Tower repo and run the playbook:
git clone
cd ansible-tower
ansible-playbook tower-setup.yml

Tower Tools and Utilities

  1. Tower Configuration

  2. Tower Utilities

  3. Tower Export

  4. HA/DR - Streaming Replication

Networking Resources

Getting Started:

  1. [Intro to Ansible Networking])

  2. Facts Collection and Config Parsing

  3. Network Automation GitHub


  1. Ansible Docs
  2. Ansible Network OS
  3. OpenConfig Data Model


  1. Linux System Roles


  1. Tower Troubleshooting and Support


  1. Tower Workshops


  1. Never Split the Difference
  2. The Open Organization

Other Good Stuff

  1. How to Be a Good Speaker
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