This repo contains the code for my tutorial series 'Vue.js explained through Pokemon'.
This is a continuation on Vue.js Pokemon Battle tutorial where I dig a little deeper and explain several other features that Vue.js offers.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
This tutorial shows how to setup a work flow to use single file components, splits the previous code base into 2 components and touches on computed properties.
Article | Promise based implementation | Event based implementation
The second installment brings back the attack functionality. 2 different implementations are discussed to explain $refs, promises & events.
In this tutorial we're separating our state into a global state store.
Traditional pokemon attack damage calculations gets discussed in this article, we implement this through a Damage class.
Let's make use of Vue transition when pokemon appear/faint and add some textual info when an attack is, for example, super effective through resuable transition.
Note This can always change in the future
- Testing our components
- Switching pokemon: vue-router
- Expanding on attacks: status effects
- Implementing items