Releases: hapifhir/hapi-fhir-jpaserver-starter
Releases · hapifhir/hapi-fhir-jpaserver-starter
What's Changed
- Update to HAPI 8.0.0 by @dotasek and @jamesagnew in #758
- Added debug out to assist troubleshooting custom interceptor/provider registration issues by @XcrigX in #764
- Use URI constructor instead of string concatenation by @jschneid-nmdp in #774
Full Changelog: helm-v0.18.0...image/v8.0.0
A Helm chart for deploying the HAPI FHIR JPA server starter on Kubernetes.
What's Changed
- Feature/fixing prometheus by @jkiddo in #745
- feat: added config option for upliftedRefchains support by @patrick-werner in #751
- Expose Setting for prefetch thresholds by @tadgh in #742
- fix intermittent error with CDS test by @XcrigX in #753
- add application.yaml setting for conditional_create_duplicate_identifiers_enabled by @esecules in #755
- Config property for validate resource status by @michael-wilson-au in #746
- add property to turn on userRequestRetryVersionConflictsInterceptor by @XcrigX in #752
- Update to HAPI 7.6.0 by @dotasek in #731
New Contributors
- @esecules made their first contribution in #755
- @michael-wilson-au made their first contribution in #746
Full Changelog: image/v7.4.0...image/v7.6.0
What's Changed
- Update to HAPI 7.4.0 (tracking branch) by @dotasek in #684
- Updated Dockerfile and pom.xml by @madduci in #728
- Update Clinical Reasoning plugin by @barhodes in #692
- Expose the mass ingestion mode for the dockerized hapi server by @barabo in #693
Full Changelog: image/v7.2.0...image/v7.4.0
A Helm chart for deploying the HAPI FHIR JPA server starter on Kubernetes.
A Helm chart for deploying the HAPI FHIR JPA server starter on Kubernetes.
What's Changed
- Stale flow suggestion by @jkiddo in #679
- Add profile for GCP CloudSql Postgres driver by @jakubadamek in #676
- Added exposure of job controller API by @jkiddo in #678
- 671 - Updated the run instructions. by @KevinDougan-SmileCDR in #672
- issue-5884-Add-Config-Resource-History : Adding configuration for Dis… by @mdadkhan in #681
- Update to HAPI 7.2.0 by @dotasek in #660
New Contributors
- @jakubadamek made their first contribution in #676
- @mdadkhan made their first contribution in #681
Full Changelog: helm-v0.16.0...image/v7.2.0
A Helm chart for deploying the HAPI FHIR JPA server starter on Kubernetes.
What's Changed
- Update pom.xml by @jkiddo in #656
- fhir version of Parameters for IG uninstall when using R5 by @stmsat in #658
Full Changelog: image/v7.0.2...image/v7.0.3
What's Changed
- Allow custom operations/providers in addition to interceptors by @dconlan in #654
- Allow all client_id_strategy options and add server_id_strategy by @joshuagrisham-karolinska in #653
New Contributors
- @dconlan made their first contribution in #654
- @joshuagrisham-karolinska made their first contribution in #653
Full Changelog: image/v7.0.0...image/v7.0.2