python --GT_path elementary_school.csv --data_path data/ele/ --remove_percent 0
--GT_path: the path of ground truth
Position | Name | Description |
1 | Frame number | Indicate at which frame the object is present |
2 | Identity number | Each pedestrian trajectory is identified by a unique ID (−1 for detections) |
3 | Bounding box left | Coordinate of the top-left corner of the pedestrian bounding box |
4 | Bounding box top | Coordinate of the top-left corner of the pedestrian bounding box |
5 | Bounding box width | Width in pixels of the pedestrian bounding box |
6 | Bounding box height | Height in pixels of the pedestrian bounding box |
7 | Confidence score | Indicates how confident the detector is that this instance is a pedestrian. For the ground truth and results, it acts as a flag whether the entry is to be considered. |
8 | x | 3D x position of the pedestrian in real-world coordinates (−1 if not available) |
9 | y | 3D y position of the pedestrian in real-world coordinates (−1 if not available) |
10 | z | 3D z position of the pedestrian in real-world coordinates (−1 if not available) |
--data_path: the path of deepstream output data
("%s %lu 0.0 0 0.0 %f %f %f %f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %f\n", obj->obj_label, id, left, top, right, bottom, confidence)