Compress and Resize images via browser and transform it to base64.
when i was working on a project, i saw that when i pick some images via fileInput, that image will rotate automatically!
after searching i understood that occures due to EXIF Orientation values.
finaly i found a function that recognize the EXIF Orientation value.
i combined this function to other functions that does below:
1 - Recognizes EXIF Orientation value.
2 - Fixes Orientation to Original.
3 - Compresses image file size.
4 - Resizes Width & Height
5 - Delivers image as Base64
// <input type="file" id='image-picker'/>
document.getElementById('image-picker').onchange = function() {
var file = this.files[0];
proccessImage(file, {
max_width: 1000,
max_height: 1000,
percent: 0.7, // percent of compress
}, function (base64) {
console.log(base64); // get output image as base64